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新课程标准的提出强调了对中小学生综合素质的培养,要求将过去由教师讲课学生被动接受的课堂,转变成以学生为主体、教师引导的课堂,目的是为了激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生成为学习的主人,从而获得更好的教学成果.情境教学法通过创设情境,可以深化学生的感受,激发学生兴趣,提高学生的主动性和积极性.因此创设情境,能够有效提高教学手段.本文将主要研究情境教学法在小学数学教学中的应用策略. The new curriculum standard emphasizes the cultivation of primary and secondary school students’ comprehensive qualities, and requires that the class that students passively accept in teachers’ lectures in the past be transformed into classrooms with students as the main body and teacher’s guidance. The purpose is to stimulate students’ interest in learning so that students Become the masters of learning, so as to obtain better teaching results.Situation teaching through the creation of context, can deepen the students’ feelings, stimulate students’ interest and improve students’ initiative and enthusiasm.Therefore, the creation of context can effectively improve the teaching methods.This paper will The main research situation teaching method in primary school mathematics teaching strategy.
现代科学技术迅速发展的今天,在科学课堂教学中,恰当地利用数字传感器、微视频及Excel、Google地球、Stellarium、Smart Tools等软件技术辅助教学,可以在一定程度上调动学生
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从鞋到电子产品再到厨房用具,“中国制造”标记无所不在,已成为这个时代的一种象征。过去10年,美国每年从中国的进口额激增。似乎一切都来自中国。 From shoes to electroni
原题回放:  草原怀想  鲍尔吉·原野  (1)谁有过这样的经历呢?  (2)站在草原上,你勉力前眺,或回头都是一样的风景:辽远而苍茫。人难免为这种辽远而惊慌。  (3)在都市里生活,或是寻访名山以及赏玩江南园林的人,都习惯于这样的观察:眼光的每一个投射处,都有新景物可观。景随步移。  (4)然而草原没有。  (5)蒙古牧人前瞻的时候,总是眯着眼睛。他们并非欲看清楚天地间哪一样东西,而是想在眼里装