A Brief Analysis of the Essential Points of Literary Translation and the Aesthetic Artistry of Liter

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  ◆摘  要:For many years, the technique of literary translation and the artistry of literary aesthetics have been the hot topics in the field of translation. Literary translation has all the commonalities of translation, but literary translation is different from other kinds of translation. Literary translation is not only the product of the author's spiritual activities, but also the product of the translator's spiritual activities.
  Taking prose as an example, this paper, through the description and emotional expression of the scenery in the original text and the translated text, enables the readers to enjoy enlightenment, moving and beauty just like the original text when reading the translated text.
  In this paper, the examples of analysis, carefully feel the author to express the emotion and the difference between words. This paper summarizes the basic steps of literary translation and the techniques to improve the artistry of literary translation. In literary translation, it is necessary to fully devote oneself to the translated object and experience the creative emotions of the original author, so as to better understand literary works and achieve a deeper level of re-creation.
  ◆關键词:literary translation skills; Literary aesthetics; The prose; For example; Emotions and emotions; Translator re-creation
  Take prose as an example to analyze the main points of literary translation and literary aesthetic art
  I Task Description
  The original text is a magnificent and beautiful prose supplemented by. The passage is divided into 13 paragraphs, 1-3 paragraphs describe the scene before the storm, 4-9 paragraphs describe the storm and torrential rain, 10-13 paragraphs describe the natural landscape after the storm and "my" state of mind. On the whole, the author mainly expresses magnificence through paragraphs 1-9 and beauty through paragraphs 10-13.
  In terms of artistic conception, the magnificent and magnificent are lofty. The cloud, thunder, bolt, waterfall and Hailstone described in both the translation and the original text all give people a sense of nobility, namely, a sense of grand beauty. The storm forms a kind of majestic artistic conception with its grand spirit. Beauty, on the other hand, emphasizes charm and shows freshness, such as creek, grass, rainbow, etc. The article basically reflects the impressive and fresh and bright artistic conception of the original work, showing the lively and spiritual, interesting scenery and the interest that makes people awe and bear to watch and delight people.   In the way of lyric expression, magnificent and beautiful use bold and unrestrained burst of lyric method, words in a hurry, the breast gushing. In terms of artistic appeal, the original text, with its numerical sublime (such as the magnitude of the heavy rain) and mechanical sublime (such as the strength of the wind and thunder, etc.), makes people amazed, venerate and even awe, and turns this complex aesthetic emotion into the spiritual pleasure of the readers in artistic enjoyment. Magnificent beauty makes readers appear a kind of contradictory mixed emotional activity with its shock factor, which makes readers' aesthetic psychology incline to the state of tense, collision and agitation. Literary style is a kind of United States, which is the overall beauty of works produced by the harmonious unity of unique content and unique form. Unique content without unique form does not form a unique style.
  The characteristic content of landscape prose is that the author expresses his own perception of life or deep life experience by means of things like memory of people and landscape painting. The so-called self-perception is the discovery and recognition of the special meaning and beauty of things. The form of personal lyricism, lyric, narrative, discussion melt into a furnace; Write in detail, small to see the big, from the side hint, play the reader's imagination.
  The original language is fresh and meandering. The author uses succinct words to describe what he sees. For the island of the picture picture to enjoy the need to mobilize their own observation, imagination and creativity. The original text uses adjectives, color words and other words as well as figurative personification and other rhetorical devices to describe and read, people need to use heart to understand, figure out the words, form their own unique feelings. The original text is not only concise language, but also contains deep and hot emotions. The author expresses his inner feelings through the magnificent scenery. Let the reader feel the author's deep emotion while appreciating the beautiful scenery. The study of landscape prose can cultivate the readers' love for nature, hometown and motherland, deepen the students' cultural deposits, and realize the broad and profound Chinese culture.
  II Case Study
  A.In the way of lyricism, the magnificent and beautiful use bold and unrestrained burst of lyric method.
  Now the first bolt of lightning stabs the earth. It is heaven's exclamation point,The storm is here!   这时,第一道闪电刺向大地,是老天划的惊叹号。暴风雨来了!
  Euphemistic and euphemistic lyrical way, detailed description of the environment, interest and so on.
  One ray catches the drops that form on the edge of the roof,and I am treated to a row of tiny.quivering color—my private rainbow.
  有束阳光恰巧映射在屋檐边的水珠上,我便看到一条细细的,微微颤动着的七色彩带 一条供我个人欣赏的彩虹。
  B:The original text uses the sublime of numbers and mechanics to arouse people's reverence and awe, and transform it into the spiritual pleasure of readers, thus improving the artistic appeal of the article.
  Pacing through the house from window to window,I am moved to open-mouthed wonder.
  Grace is unforgettable with its delicate form, gentle strength, elegant style, and ethereal charm. It is called touching and unforgettable with its exquisite euphemism.
  I am drawn outside while the rain still falls. All around,there is a cool and welcome feeling.
  Grace makes readers accept freely and joyfully with its harmonious and factors, and presents a kind of harmonious mixed activity, which makes the aesthetic psychology tend to be relaxed, harmonious and peaceful.
  Like the land,I am renewed ,my spirit cleansed. I feel an infinite peace. For a time I have forgotten the worries and irritations I was nurturing before.
  III Conclusion
  Literary translation has all the commonalities of translation: it conveys information in one language in another; But literary translation differs from other kinds of translation in that it requires the translation to be a literary work capable of conveying the full range of the author's intentions, including thoughts, emotions and linguistic means. Literary translation enjoys a high reputation in every country, and most reference books and encyclopedias almost regard translation as literary translation. Literary translation in most cultures refers to good, famous translations.
  The basic requirements of literary translation:First of all, the translator should understand deeply. The translator wants to translate a literary work vividly and, like all types of translation, has to have a deep understanding of the original text. As a kind of linguistic art, literature uses a language that is very different from the language in our daily life, and has its unique connotation, expressive meaning and aesthetic meaning. In order to enhance the aesthetic effect and stimulate the readers' aesthetic perception, the author often deviates from the daily grammatical norms of language and uses a variety of rhetorical devices or implicit devices to express meaning by zigzagging back. It puts forward higher requirements for literary translators understand the original, need to analyze the rhetoric of the original, technique of expression, expression and other Angle to understand the theme, characters, environment, the plot of the original content, such as need from genre, structure, language, all kinds of technique of expression and so on to analyze the form of the original, so as to more fully grasp the meaning of the original.   Secondly, the translator should grasp the style of the original work. Style is the artistic feature and creative personality that the writer displays in the creation. Due to their different life experience, standpoint, artistic accomplishment and personality characteristics, writers are also different in dealing with subjects, controlling genres and describing images. Sometimes, how you say something is more important than what you say. In non-literary translation, style will not be considered as long as the information content of the original text is not changed. A non-literary translation is like a train full of goods. As long as the goods arrive intact, the sequence of carriages does not matter. In literary translation, by contrast, the sequence of carriages, and thus the style of the original text, range from the flexible, vivid, and highly readable, to the mannered, rigid, and stylized translations that strip away the artistic or aesthetic essence of the source language, and even the cumbersome feet of its soul.
  Third, the translator understands the social background of the source language. As the superstructure of society, literature must reflect the aspect of social culture. Therefore, literary translation must recognize and reflect the social life reflected in the original work, or recognize and reconnect the social life reflected in the original work. Without a profound understanding of the social and cultural background of the source language, a translator cannot have a keen aesthetic and sociological eye, and the understanding and re-creation of literary works cannot reach a deeper level.
  Fourth, translators should have good mother tongue cultivation. To do a good job in literary translation, one needs to master the essence of two languages, among which, the most important is to master the language and culture of one's own country. Because a good literary translation needs to fully devote oneself to the target, feel the creative emotion of the original author, and finally express it in the mother tongue, which requires the translator to lay a solid basic foundation of Chinese, understand the essence of Chinese language and literature, and integrate it into the blood. Some people think that to do a good job in literary translation, one should rely on his mother tongue, three on foreign languages and one on talent. Literary translation is a second creative work, which requires literary understanding and artistic inspiration. Literary translation is faced with endless choices, such as words, faithfulness, emphasis, punctuation and register. If the native language has a weak foundation, when faced with these choices, the syntax, vocabulary and word order of the original text are more likely to be improperly included in the target language, which will affect the accuracy of the target language and violate the linguistic norms of the target language.   Every human action has a certain purpose, and literary translation is no exception. Literary translation is to use a language creation contains certain literature image of social life as much as possible intact transfuse into another language, a kind of social activities, the goal is to reproduce the aesthetic significance of the original comprehensively, and the translation must have a function like the original works of literature, the readers' reading, translation can also like to read the original get enlightenment, touch and enjoy the beauty. A literary translation is not only the product of the author's spiritual activities, but also the product of the translator's spiritual activities. Literary translation requires translators to have the same emotional and psychological influence as the original readers.
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