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目前,由于市场上大量名家画作的价格不仅高高在上,且真伪难辨,令那些有意购买的初入道者不敢下手。但是,投资绘画作品绝非没有门路,即使不是内行也同样可以选择品种介入,关键是如何拿捏入行的投资点,既规避买入赝品的风险,又可以从容获利,而章维骏就是其中的一位。仿制油画触发投资灵感10年前的章维骏,对画作可谓一窍不通。但是1999年夏天的一件事却给了他启发,当时作为家居装潢销售的他,发现一些价格在500~1000元的仿制欧洲经典名画(油画)销路特别畅,且多用于装饰客厅。对于经营装饰画熟门熟路的章先生而言,其中的厚利是不言而喻的。既然近千年的仿制油画都热销,那么真的画作会不会受到欢迎呢?2000年春节过后,章维骏购买了一幅大写意的山水画,尽管画家并不是特别出名,但也是学院的副教授级,1600元的价格十分得体。章维骏没有收藏这幅画,而是挂在了自己店铺内买仿制欧洲油画的墙上,标价2500元。才一周时间,问者已经络绎不绝,一位外地买家放弃了本来购买仿制油画的打算,缠着章先生欲以2000元买下。买家表示这幅画是真画,中青年画家的作品今后还有升值潜力。对投资非常有兴趣的章维骏被买家最后那句“升值潜力”打动了,将此画以2000元的价格卖给了这位外地买家。一个月后, At present, due to the price of a large number of famous paintings on the market not only high above, and the authenticity of the dilemma, so that those who intend to purchase early adopters can not start. However, investment in painting is by no means a non-existent way. Even if it is not an expert, it is possible to choose the type of intervention. The key is how to minimize the risk of buying counterfeit goods while at the same time making profit. Zhang Wei-jun is one of them . Imitation painting trigger investment inspiration 10 years ago, Zhang Weijun, can know nothing about painting. However, one thing was inspired by him in the summer of 1999. At that time, he was a home decoration salesman and found that some imitation European classic paintings (oil paintings) with prices ranging from 500 yuan to 1,000 yuan were sold very well and were mostly used to decorate the living room. For Mr. Zhang, who is familiar with the art of decorating, one of the big profits is self-evident. Since nearly a thousand years of imitation oil paintings are sold, so the real painting will not be welcome? After the Spring Festival in 2000, Zhang Weijun bought a freehand landscape painting, although the artist is not particularly famous, but also associate professor of the college level, 1600 yuan price is very decent. Zhang Wei Chun did not collect this painting, but hung in his own shop to buy imitation European painting on the wall, priced at 2,500 yuan. Only a week, the reporter has been an endless stream, a foreign buyer to give up the original intention to buy imitation oil painting, wrapped around Mr. Zhang want to 2,000 yuan to buy. Buyers said the painting is a real painting, young artists have the potential to appreciate the future. Zhang Weijun, who was very interested in investing, was impressed by the last sentence of “appreciation potential” of the buyer and sold this painting to the foreign buyer at the price of 2,000 yuan. A month later,