Analysis and Countermeasure on Present Conditions of Animal Excrement Pollution in Heilongjiang Prov

来源 :Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wybyoung
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Attaching more importance to the problem of animal excrement pollution is the premise of realizing the sustainable development of animal husbandry in Heilongjiang Province. With the constant expansion of the scale of breeding industry, the amount of animal excrement will increase greatly, corresponding to the increasing pressure on water and land. Therefore, for the sake of promoting the coordinated development of animal husbandry and the environment, this paper analyzed the status of animal excrement pollution in Heilongjiang Province. On this base, the paper suggested that we must control animal excrement pollution proceeding from reality by using administrative means, legal means, economic means and technical means. Attaching more importance to the problem of animal excrement pollution is the premise of realizing the sustainable development of animal husbandry in Heilongjiang Province. With the constant expansion of the scale of breeding industry, the amount of animal excrement will increase greatly, corresponding to the increasing pressure on water and land. Therefore, for the sake of promoting the coordinated development of animal husbandry and the environment, this paper analysis the status of animal excrement pollution in Heilongjiang Province. On this base, the paper suggested that we must control animal excrement pollution proceeding from reality by using administrative means, legal means, economic means and technical means.
世界儿童文学之旅,本期回到了中国。行走在宝岛台湾的山山水水间,这里的人,这里的故事,是那么亲切、温暖。  来到宝岛台湾,你最想看什么呢?古朴苍劲的阿里山大树,碧蓝深邃的垦丁大海,奇特多姿的野柳地质奇观,还是热闹多元的大都市台北?这些我都想看,但我更想深入台湾,感受不同地区的文学之美。  在台北的街头巷角能遇到很多猫猫狗狗,它们的生活是一个别样的天地。朱天心在《猎人们》中记录下了猫类世界里活泼与感人