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  Argentina is the eighth largest country in the world, covering more than one million square miles.
  Tango has been a lifelong inspiration for artist Martiniano Arce, the premiere “1)Fileteador” of Buenos Aires. Martiniano and his wife live in the artist neighborhood of San Telmo. Tango and 2)Carlos Gardel are the two greatest influences on his work, another unique expression of Argentine culture called “Filete.” Martiniano began painting in the style of the Filete at the age of 13. The Fileteador uses elaborate 3)curlicues and line drawings called “Filetes” that replicate ornate architecture of the early 20th century. While the art form can be traced to Sicily, Filete is as Argentine as the tango and Gardel. Described once as a “painted tango,” the Filete evokes the 4)sentimentality of the 5)Poteño and the role tango has played in popular culture.
  Martiniano: (via translator) The tango reflects a little bit of what an Argentine is. The Argentine is a little 6)melancholy, a little bit serious, and a little bit 7)introverted. However the Poteño is someone 8)extroverted, someone that appears to be more than what he really is.
  Martiniano holds the prestigious Great Argentine Master Award from the country’s National Art Council. In his home, the style of the Filete can be found everywhere, the accumulation of nearly half a century of painting. And he knows precisely when he would stop painting. To be ready, he’s decorated coffins for himself and his wife. He’ll be 107 years old and he plans to leave this life the way he lived it.
  Martiniano: The year 2046, it’ll be on Wednesday, November 14th at 19:30 hours. There will be champagne, there will be drinks, everything free, and my 9)epitaph will read, “Here lies Martiniano. Happy he rests. They painted his smile in a Fileteano way.”
  Argentine poet José Hernandes called them “Orphans of the 10)Pampas,” the roughriding horsemen of Patagonia known as 11)Gauchos. In his epic 1873 poem, “El Gaucho Martin Fierro,” Hernandes12)laments the fate of a Gaucho culture at odds with a changing Argentina.
  An Argentine saying goes: “A Gaucho without his horse is without his legs.” The Gaucho culture started in the 17th century when escaped horses from Spanish settlements developed into enormous unclaimed herds. Ranch hands were hired to catch and tame the horses and put them to use in Argentina’s growing cattle industry.
  These two modern-day Gauchos are 13)reclaiming horses missing since the previous summer. They will tame two for sale in Barriloce and return in a few weeks for the rest. The work is difficult and dangerous and requires a patience few have in today’s world.
  Most Gauchos are now permanently employed by large corporate ranches, but while the poem, “El Gaucho Martin Fierro,” was written too late to help preserve the Gaucho’s unique lifestyle, it has given Argentines a link to a past that is thoroughly their own.
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