1 播种前的准备工作1.1 地块选择选择通风良好,有排灌条件,高燥向阳的疏松土地。以沙壤土最好,地块的形状最好选择长方形,有利于通风透光。黄瓜忌重茬和迎茬,选用至少两年以上没使用过杀双子叶杂草的除草剂的地块。1.2 隔离距离黄瓜是靠昆虫传粉,自然条件下很容易接受其他品种的花粉,制种田的隔离距离要求1000m以上。1.3 整地、施肥对选好的地块,前1年秋天进行深耕,深度为25~30cm,第2年春天土壤化冻后,开始耙地起垄,做畦。畦宽1m,沟宽、沟深均为20cm,
A pre-planting preparation 1.1 plots choose to choose a well-ventilated, irrigation and drainage conditions, high dry sunny landscape of loose land. The best sandy loam, the best shape of the plots to choose a rectangle, is conducive to ventilation and light. Cucumber avoid stubble and stubble, use at least two years have not been used to kill dicotyledonous weeds herbicides plots. 1.2 Isolation distance Cucumber rely on insect pollination, natural conditions are easy to accept other varieties of pollen, the farming system of the isolation distance of more than 1000m. 1.3 site preparation, fertilization of the selected plots, deep plowing the previous year fall, the depth of 25 ~ 30cm, the first two years after the soil thawing spring, began to rake ridge, do 畦.畦 wide 1m, ditch width, ditch deep are 20cm,