为伟大领袖毛主席争光 为伟大的社会主义祖国争光 “杭氧”职工大搞路线分析焕发革命精神立志造出大型制氧机赶超世界先进水平 (原载一九七○年八月三十一日杭州日报)

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杭州制氧机厂党委会、革委会和驻厂军宣队在波澜壮阔的工业生产新高潮中,高举“鞍钢宪法” 的光辉旗帜,发动和带领广大革命群众,大搞路线分析,荡涤了刘少奇反革命修正主义办企业路线的余毒,进一步提高了干部和群众两条路线斗争的觉悟。全厂上下精神振奋,斗志昂扬,立志以最快的速度造出大型制氧机,赶超世界先进水平,力争今年生产比去年翻一番,为伟大领袖毛主席争光,为伟大社会主义祖国争光。 The Hangzhou Oxygen Machinery Factory Party Committee, the Revolutionary Committee, and the military residency stationed in the factory held high the banner of “Anshan Iron and Steel Constitution” in the magnificent new wave of industrial production, launched and led the revolutionary masses, and carried out a thorough analysis of the route, cleaning up Liu Shaoqi. The remnants of the counter-revolutionary revisionism in the corporate line have further increased the awareness of the struggle between the cadres and the masses. The whole plant is uplifted and uplifted with high morale. It is determined to create large-scale oxygen generators at the fastest speed, surpass the world advanced level, and strive to double production this year than last year. It will win glory for the great leader Chairman Mao and win glory for the great socialist motherland. .
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据Chemical week,1972,№8报导,从1932年-1970年为橡胶专利作出过一些贡献的作者约有100名.共发表各种专利2557条,现将各国橡胶专利状况列表如下: According to Chemical w
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本文针对国防科研管理的需求,提出了宏观核算模型、成本核算模型、因素分析模型,分析了这些模型产生指标的意义,并给出了相应的计算方法。 In this paper, according to the ne