
来源 :科研管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Victsman
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为了分析企业支持员工的创意开发策略,本文以委托代理理论、激励理论为基础,将创意的知识产权收益从企业剩余收益中独立出来,通过构建模型,研究了创意知识产权的不同配置对企业激励契约的影响。研究表明:(1)企业对创意者的激励强度不仅取决于创意产品的内部剩余,而且还依赖于来自创意知识产权的外部剩余。(2)创意的价值和创意特许的价值侵蚀对创意知识产权配置策略及其激励契约都会产生影响。具体来说,对于一个具有较高经济价值的创意,在企业支持开发的激励契约中,如果特许对企业的价值侵蚀不大,将创意的知识产权配置给创意者可以节约企业的激励成本;如果特许给企业带来较大的价值侵蚀,企业偏好拥有创意的知识产权以阻止特许;如果特许给企业带来的价值侵蚀非常大,则在激励契约中附加一些带有惩罚性的约束条款,将知识产权赋予创意者可能更有效。研究丰富了创意管理的相关理论成果,为我国企业制定针对创意员工的激励契约提供了策略性建议。 In order to analyze the creative strategy of enterprise support staff, this paper, based on principal-agent theory and incentive theory, separates the benefits of intellectual property from the residual income of enterprises. By constructing the model, this dissertation studies the influence of different configurations of creative intellectual property on firm motivation The impact of the contract. The results show that: (1) The firm’s incentive to creators depends not only on the internal surplus of creative products, but also on the external surplus from creative intellectual property. (2) The value of creativity and the erosion of the value of creative concessions have an impact on the strategy and incentive contract of creative intellectual property. Specifically, for a creative idea with higher economic value, if the franchise’s incentive to contract with the enterprise supports the development, if the franchise’s value is not eroded by the enterprise, allocating the creative intellectual property to the creative person can save the incentive cost of the enterprise. If Franchising brings greater erosion of value. Enterprises prefer to have creative intellectual property rights to discourage concessions. If the concession gives rise to the erosion of the value of the enterprise, then a few punitive binding clauses are added to the incentive contract, Intellectual property may give creators more effective. The research enriches the relevant theoretical achievements of creative management and provides strategic advice for Chinese enterprises to formulate incentive contracts for creative employees.