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准确预测高温后钢筋混凝土柱的受力特性对评估结构火灾后的安全性和可修复性具有重要意义。由于复杂的材料性能和受热行为,高温后钢筋混凝土柱受力性能的准确计算目前仍需主要借助数值模拟,并且对数值模型中混凝土和钢筋材料的滞回本构关系以及如何考虑高温后的材料性能影响提出了更高的精度要求。本文基于本研究已开发的纤维模型程序,即采用经试验验证并得到广泛应用的材料模型模拟恒温下的混凝土及钢筋本构特征,并参照已有相关研究成果,合理考虑高温后钢筋混凝土的材料性能影响,以通用有限元软件为计算平台,实现了高温后钢筋混凝土柱受力性能的数值模拟。对相关文献中高温后的一个混凝土轴压柱试件和一个混凝土压弯柱试件进行了数值模拟计算,计算结果与试验结果吻合较好。 Accurately predicting the stress characteristics of reinforced concrete columns after high temperature is of great significance for evaluating the safety and reparability of structural fires. Due to the complicated material properties and heat behavior, it is still necessary to use numerical simulations to calculate the mechanical behavior of reinforced concrete columns after high temperature. Moreover, the constitutive relationship between the hysteretic behavior of concrete and reinforced materials in the numerical model and how to consider the high temperature materials The performance impact raises higher accuracy requirements. Based on the fiber model program developed in this study, the constitutive features of concrete and steel under constant temperature are modeled by the tested and widely used material models. With reference to the existing relevant research results, the material of reinforced concrete Performance of the finite element software as a computational platform to achieve a high temperature after the reinforced concrete column numerical simulation of the mechanical properties. The numerical simulation calculation of a concrete axial compression column specimen and a concrete compression-bending column specimen after high temperature in the relevant literature is carried out. The calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental results.
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