~(19)F NMR Study on the Charge-Transfer Process between Ground-State Acceptor Fluoranil (or Pentafl

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:armstronger7026
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The line positions of 19F NMR absorption of fluoranil (TFQ) or pentafluorophenylcarboxylate (PFE-16) in the presence of N-alkylphenothiazine donors have been measured. By comparing the 19F chemical shift in C6D6 of TFQ or PFE-16 in the absence of the donor with thosein the presence of the donor. the difference of these chemical shifts was found to be large. In thepresence of the donor. 19F upheld shifts of TFQ or PFE-16 have been observed. The experimentalresults showed that there is a charge-transfer process between TFQ or PFE-16 and the donor .When TFQ or PFE-16 accepts the charge from the donor. its 19F resonance moves upfield. The line positions 19F NMR absorption of fluoranil (TFQ) or pentafluorophenylcarboxylate (PFE-16) in the presence of N-alkylphenothiazine donors have been measured. By comparison the 19F chemical shift in C6D6 of TFQ or PFE-16 in the absence of the donor with thosein the presence of the donor. the difference of these chemical shifts was found to be large. In the presence of the donor. 19F upheld shifts of TFQ or PFE-16 have been observed. The experimentalresults showed that there is a charge-transfer process between TFQ or PFE-16 and the donor. Wen TFQ or PFE-16 accepts the charge from the donor. its 19F resonance moves upfield.
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