
来源 :农村电工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:emmagarden
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对农电站实行人、财、物统管后,如何将总站财务管好是一个关键。过去电管站的财务管理比较乱,存在的问题不少,在管理上欠帐比较多,要想一下子扭转弯子是一件不容易的事,必须逐步出台一些管理制度和管理办法。 在财务管理上首先根据乡(镇)电管站的体制和单位性质来确定管理方法。我们采取的是企业财务的管理办法,参照电力系统实行了财务收、支两条线管理。县总站对各乡(镇)站实行了分乡立帐,自负盈亏的管理方法,所有资金统收,开支按计划下拨,实行了宏观控制。 财务收、支两支线具体实施是:在资金的统收上,每月由县总站的电费会计从局抄收班领取电费发票,进行复核和分乡站汇总作出供电报表后由各乡站会计到县总站领取,供电报表体现了交局的电费和农网费的收入情况,财会上将农网费的金额计入财务收入。各乡站负责抄各村的分户电表,开具分户发票,再向用户 After the implementation of human, financial, and material management of agricultural power stations, how to manage the financial management of the terminal is a key issue. In the past, the financial management of electric power management stations was chaotic. There were many problems and more debts were owed to management. It was not easy to reverse the bends at once, and some management systems and management methods must be gradually introduced. In financial management, the management method is first determined according to the system and unit properties of township (town) power management stations. What we have adopted is the management of corporate finances. We have implemented the management of financial revenues and expenditures by reference to the power system. The county terminus station has implemented the management methods of dividing the township from the township (town) station and takes responsibility for the profit and loss. All funds are collected and the expenditure is allocated according to plan, and macro control is exercised. The specific implementation of the two branches of financial revenue and expenditure is: on the unified collection of funds, monthly electricity bills from the county general station receive electricity invoices from the bureau’s copy-taking class, and the review and sub-stations are aggregated to make power supply reports. The county general station collects and the power supply report reflects the revenue of the exchange bureau’s electricity bill and the rural net fee. The amount of the rural net fee is included in the financial accounting revenue. Each township station is responsible for copying the household electricity meters of each village, issuing separate household invoices, and then users.
ITC是荷兰国际航空航天测量与地球科学学院(International Institute for AerospaceSurvey and Earth Sciences)的简称.1990年,应我们西安矿业学院(Xian Mining Insti-tute—
吴江县是华东电网首家全面实现农村电气化、用电标准化、调度自动化、实用化和电力为农业、为农民、为农村经济服务达标的县级市。局长徐洪强,是勇领风骚的好带头人。 科技
1994年11月份,我村实行了储蓄购电。具体做法是: 1.储蓄购电的好处。我每月收电费都要跑路、串户、费时费力,既影响工作又耽误农活。为了减少收费的不便,杜绝“三电”,按时
自1995年初克莱斯勒公司收购日本Saison Seibu汽车销售公司的子公司——SMS公司以后,法国别儒/雪铁龙集团(PSA)在日本的汽车销售业务受到阻碍.经多方努力,最近该公司终于又建
为了永保在世人眼中开拓、进取的形象,雪铁龙公司在添置产品开发设施上毫不怜惜钱财。 In order to maintain the image of pioneering and enterprising people in the eyes