我汇报的问题是县志初稿中民族编的编写情况。 先介绍一下江城哈尼族彝族自治县的简要情况。江城地处中、越、老三国交界的地方,国内又处于思茅、红河、西双版纳三个专州交界的地方。1929年设立县治,迄今已五十五年。新中国成立以来,经济发展,工农业总产值翻了四番,一九四九年只有一百多万元,现在为一千六百万元。粮食总产突破了四千万斤。江城主要有哈尼、彝、傣、瑶、拉祜、汉等
The problem I reported was the compilation of ethnic series in the first draft of the county book. First introduce Jiangcheng Hani Yi Autonomous County of the brief situation. Jiangcheng is located at the junction of China, Vietnam and Laoso, and is home to the three special prefectures of Simao, Honghe and Xishuangbanna. In 1929 the establishment of county government, so far has been 55 years. Since the founding of New China, economic development has quadrupled the total output value of industry and agriculture. In 1949, there were only about 1 million yuan and now it is 16 million yuan. The total output of grain exceeded 40 million jin. Jiangcheng mainly Hani, Yi, Dai, Yao, Lao, Han and so on