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关于足球意识的形成与发展的课题,已有不少专家学者、教练员、足球工作者撰文论述,真可谓众说纷纭,见仁见智,莫衷一是。 本文根据心理学的基本观点以及本人在教学训练中的实践,谈几点肤浅认识,供同仁们共同探讨。 一、观察思维能力是足球意识形成与发展的先决条件 足球比赛是由攻守这一矛盾所组成的,无论是攻防战术都包含着基本的战术意识。足球意识的核心是运用技战术的能力,意识的明显标志是思维,有思维才有意识,而观察是思维后选择技战术的前提。这样足球战术意识可理解为对足球比赛各种因素的感知(视觉观察)和在此基础上的思维活动,它包括对比赛现实认识的感性阶段和理性阶段。运动员通过对场上情况的观察,借助于思维,使用概括的知识和经验意识,解决现实比赛中各种问题。思维活动的基础是观察,而观察的目的是了解场内双方队员与球的发展动态趋势。观察的范围包括观察的深度和广度,足球比赛场地大,双方队员的站位有着纵横的排列与层次 As for the issue of the formation and development of football awareness, there are many experts and scholars, coaches and soccer writers who have different opinions and opinions. This article based on the basic point of psychology and my practice in teaching and training, to talk about a few superficial understanding for my colleagues to discuss. First, the observation of thinking ability is a prerequisite for the formation and development of football awareness Football match is composed of the contradiction between offensive and defensive, both tactics and tactics contain basic tactical awareness. The core of soccer awareness is the ability to use technical and tactical skills. The obvious symbol of consciousness is thinking and thinking is conscious, and observation is the prerequisite for choosing tactics and tactics after thinking. Such a football tactic awareness can be understood as perception (visual observation) of the various factors of the football game and based on this thinking activity, which includes the perceptual and rational stages of the reality of the game. Athletes through the observation of the situation on the court, with the help of thinking, the use of general knowledge and experience of consciousness, to solve real problems in the game. The basis of thinking activity is observation, and the purpose of observation is to understand the trends of the development of the players and the balls in the field. The scope of observation includes the depth and breadth of observation. Soccer venues are large and the positions of players on both sides are arranged vertically and horizontally
“小李飞刀有多快,没有人知道,知道的人,都已经死了……”古龙经典的武侠小说《多情剑客无情剑》中描述了李寻欢这样一个武功高手,他一把飞刀使得快如闪电、出神入化,所 “
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研究了两种炉前测定蠕墨铸铁蠕化率的方法。第一种方法是共晶膨胀力——热分析法,第二种方法是粘土砂样杯法。 共晶膨胀力—热分析法用φ30×250mm的试样,在北京钢院BL—Ⅱ
赵剑英(1926年9月30日—2001年1月6日),武当武术正宗嫡派传人,首批国家级非物质文化遗产武当武术代表性传承人、武当山嫡传太乙五行拳正宗 Zhao Jianying (September 30, 19