The 9th China InternationalYouth Arts Festival Opens

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The 9th China International Youth Arts Festival is scheduled from Au-gust 12th to 27th. During this festival,the audience can enjoy 187 excellentperformances from 36 countries andregions, including China, the US andRussia. With the main venue in Bei-ring,
摘 要:民间童谣生动有趣,具有较强的节奏性,对于幼儿的发音、词汇练习、语言创造能力以及思维发展具有积极的促进意义,因此教师应加强对民谣的重视力度,合理进行课程安排,促使幼儿健康发展。本文从民间童谣的特点入手,深入进行分析,结合实际情况明确毕节示范区民间童谣与幼儿语言发展的关系,从整体上进行完善,探索出符合要求的实施策略,以供参考。  关键词:毕节示范区;民间童谣;幼儿园;语言活动  一、 引言  
The first Silk Road (Dunhuang)International Culture Expo will be held from September 20th to 22nd inDunhuang, under the support fromthe People's Government of Gans