引子 1989年7月8日,《长江日报》头版发表了一条新华社编发的消息:武汉海关查获一起数百万元走私大案.据该消息透露:去年6—8月,武汉市畜产进出口公司以进料加工名义,进口大量胶合板,非法倒卖,牟取暴利400万元,逃脱关税和增值税105万元。可是由于当地有关部门的不同看法,案件查获10个月,迟迟得不到处理.这犹如一声惊雷,一下子将长久地笼罩这起案子的沉闷空气炸开,查处工作迅速向前推进。同时,也引起当地人民群众的普遍关注:“看这种企业犯罪的案子,法院将如何发落?”
On July 8, 1989, the front page of Changjiang Daily published a news article compiled by Xinhua News Agency: Wuhan Customs seized a large-scale case involving millions of dollars of smuggling. According to the information, from June to August last year, Export companies in the name of feed processing, import a large number of plywood, illegal reselling, profiteering 4 million yuan to escape the tariffs and value-added tax 1.05 million yuan. However, due to the different opinions of the relevant local authorities, the case was seized for 10 months and was still not disposed of. This was like a thunderstorm and all of a sudden the dull air, which had long been shrouded in the case, exploded and the investigation and handling work moved forward rapidly. At the same time, it also aroused the widespread concern of the local people: “How can the court be brought down if we look at such cases of corporate crime?”