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戏曲是一门综合艺术,打击乐贯穿于剧目的全过程,在戏曲艺术中占有重要地位。舞台上,演员们用唱、念、做、打等艺术手段刻画人物,演绎剧情,而打击乐在演员的各种艺术手段中,亦有着情绪、节奏和气氛上的配合。唱:戏曲艺术均是以唱来做为主要表现手段的。那么在唱之前,必有“过门”,这“过门”就是在鼓师引领下由“文武场”完成的。还有些唱段,演员未曾出场,打击乐演奏的“锣鼓点儿”就让观众有了一种悉心倾听的感觉,如传统京剧《武家坡》中薛平贵的“一马离了西凉界”,新编历史评剧《钟离剑》中越王勾践唱的“君臣们,二十年卧薪尝胆”等即是。有些唱段,因剧情的需要,在演唱过程中,还要加入打击乐,如:评剧《朱痕记》朱春登在《哭灵堂》一场唱“高堂母,养儿的娘难得见,娘啊”时,就配合演员的表演,加入了[叫头]。再如现代京剧《沙家浜》中,郭建光领唱的“要学那泰山顶上一青松”唱段,演员在舞台上连唱带舞,打击乐伴奏着铿锵、激越的[滚头子]、[急急风],再加上电闪雷鸣、狂风暴雨等效果,使唱词得到升华,把剧情推向高潮。 Opera is an integrated art, percussion runs through the whole process of the play, occupies an important position in the art of opera. On the stage, the performers portray the characters and perform the plot with the artistic means of singing, reading, doing and playing, while the percussion is also accompanied by emotion, rhythm and atmosphere in various artistic means of the performers. Sing: opera art is to sing as the main means of expression. So before singing, there must be “crossing the door”, which is done by “drumsticks” under the guidance of a drumstore. There are also some aria, the actors have not played, percussion playing “gongs and drums,” let the audience have a careful listening experience, such as the traditional Peking Opera “Wu Jiapo” Xue Pinggui, “a horse left the West cool sector,” the new The history of Pingju “Zhong from the sword,” the king hook Gou Jian “Monarch, 20 years of hardships,” and so on is. Some singing, due to the needs of the story, in the process of singing, but also to join the percussion, such as: Pingju “Zhu trace” Zhu Chundeng in “crying hall” singing “high church mother, raising her daughter hard to see, mother ah” When, with the actor’s performance, joined the [called head]. Another example is the modern Beijing opera “Shajiabang”, Guo Jianguang led by singing “to learn that top of the mountain pine” aria, the actors even on stage singing and dancing, percussion accompaniment sonorous, stirring [rolling head], [acute Urgent wind], coupled with lightning thunder, storm and other effects, the lyrics have been sublimated, the plot to the climax.
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