
来源 :上海经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:saosaoxp
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在史无前例的商品经济大潮冲击下,社会剧变,人心浮动。只有下海经商才能更多更快地捞现钱。于是,各行各业,不论过去从事三百六十行中的哪一行,都成了争着下海的弄潮儿。一时间,仿佛谁先沾上海水谁就成了改革的急先锋。在浩荡的赶海大军中,不乏知识分子,他们中有科技人员、教师、编辑等等。从客观上讲,知识分子下海一方面促使人才流动加快,有助于社会开放和生产力提高。但不可否认也带来了某些弊端。几个轮回下来,我们看到除少数才事相宜者如鱼得水外,更多的知识分子收益不大,不少人甚至是打鱼不成反被水淹。这种现象其实又是对人才的另一种浪费。现在是到了该冷静下来重新认识自我,认识社 Under the unprecedented impact of the commodity economic tide, the society has undergone dramatic changes and people’s minds have floated. Only by doing business in the sea can the money be more and faster. Thus, all walks of life, irrespective of which of the three hundred and sixty lines in the past, have become the culprits in the struggle for the sea. For a time, it seems that anyone who first dipped in Shanghai water became the vanguard of reform. In the mighty sea rush, there are no shortage of intellectuals. Among them are scientific and technical personnel, teachers, and editors. Objectively speaking, the intellectuals go to the sea to accelerate the flow of talent on the one hand, which contributes to social openness and productivity enhancement. However, it is undeniable that it also brought about some drawbacks. After several rounds of reincarnation, we have seen that except for a small number of people who are suitable for such things as fish and water, more intellectuals do not earn much, and many people are even unable to fight against fish by flooding. This phenomenon is actually another waste of talent. It is time to calm down and re-understand myself.
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广西北海华联股份有限公司自1991的开业以来,坚持“顾客就是上帝” 的宗旨,把“以优质的服务向顾客提供优质的商品,使顾客获得高品质的享受”作为工作指南,狠抓质量管理,不