Optical and gas sensing properties of mesoporous hollow ZnO microspheres fabricated via a solvotherm

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aaron209
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Mesoporous,hollow Zn O microspheres were synthesized via a hydrothermal method,using glycerol and zinc acetate as the starting materials.XRD and FESEM analysis showed that the surface morphology of the spheres with a Wurtzite structure could be reasonably adjusted by varying the weight ratio(Rw) of Zn(CH3COO)2 2H2O:H2O:C3H8O3.The responses of the gas sensor based on the spheres to 100 ppm ethanol and 100 ppm acetone are 18.9 and 10.4,respectively.The response and recovery times of the sensor to ethanol and acetone are 2 s and 3 s,3 s and 5 s,respectively.The hollow spheres show an intense UV emission at 392 nm and a broad blue-green emission at 488 nm.Interestingly,a light trapping phenomenon is revealed by UV emission and scattering measurements on the microspheres,which can be attributed to the mesoporous shell and hollow structure of the microsphere. Mesoporous, hollow Zn O microspheres were synthesized via a hydrothermal method, using glycerol and zinc acetate as the starting materials. XRD and FESEM analysis showed that the surface morphology of the spheres with a Wurtzite structure could be reasonably adjusted by varying the weight ratio (Rw ) of Zn (CH3COO) 2 2H2O: C3H8O3. The responses of the gas sensor based on the spheres to 100 ppm ethanol and 100 ppm acetone are 18.9 and 10.4, respectively. The response and recovery times of the sensor to ethanol and acetone are 2 s and 3 s, 3 s and 5 s, respectively. These hollow spheres show an intense UV emission at 392 nm and a broad blue-green emission at 488 nm. In fact, a light trapping phenomenon is revealed by UV emission and scattering measurements on the microspheres, which can be attributed to the mesoporous shell and hollow structure of the microsphere.
吴东玲的丈夫是位建筑工程师,常年工作于海外。儿子李岚在去年高考中,以592分的成绩被上海一所重点大学录取,可很少有人知道李岚平时的成绩在班里只能算是中等,是妈妈的 Wu