Barcelona with the Influence of Olympic Construction

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  Barcelona is located at the Mediterranean coast northeast of Spain. It is the second largest city and largest industrial center of the country with beautiful sceneries and historical relics and is called as "the pearl of Iberian Peninsula". It is also an ancient cultural city and regarded as Mediterranean Manhattan. Old Gothic buildings and skyscrapers enhance each other's beauty and compose the enchanting skyline of Barcelona. Messy arranged alleys are close to new town and there are chimneys of industrial time existing in old city. In Barcelona, all these discordances seem natural.
  Barcelona is the base of biggest Spanish manufacture, port industry, financial service and traditional handicraft industry. The restoration of its old areas experienced three stages: the first one was in the early 1980s, and it was focused on the restore of the "located" city public zones and buildings; the second one was after the success in Olympic application, and it took the opportunity of hosting 1992 Olympic Games to do the city plan and construction, which made the city being proud at the world map; the third one was after 1992 Olympic Games, and the new round of city restoration motivated by "world cultural forum" added the city wings to fly. The service industry covers over 62% of GDP after its transition. Although manufacture still holds 36.7%, it is mainly headquarter economy of spread of techniques and research results and products sell and service and workers in direct manufacturing is less than 5.2% of the total employee.
  Old city’s restoration based on the protection of historical relics
  Barcelona has a construction history of over 2,000 years and became the most important business city along the Mediterranean coast. In its developing course, it has formulated unique multi-culture by long-term influence from ancient Greek, ancient Rome and Arab. The culture here is fully expressed in the appearance and many historical relics of the city. In order to protect the famous city of history and culture, Barcelona government took many effective measures.
  For ways of protections, Barcelona has three steps for protecting old city like other European countries: first one is to strictly keep the historical sites, which means to permanently reserve important historical buildings in a completed, precise and unchanged way; second one is to adequately add or rebuild historical sites, which means to basically keep the original block patterns and constructions, but do some change inside. The outlook of building should maintain the original style rigorously; the third one is to mainly rebuild, which means to keep the old pattern and distinctive buildings and blocks. It suits large scale historical sites of non-key-protection and with fewer buildings or damaged badly.   Legally, Barcelona specially issues the List of Historical Constructions Protection that made detailed protection clauses for several hundred of historical constructions there. It plays an important role in comprehensively protect historical style and feature of the city.
  For policy implementation, Barcelona government strictly handles affairs according to law and regulation. All those ancient building with historical values should be untouched and only those under conditions can have protective preservation. Buildings and private assets in protection areas should do restoration according to regulations and shouldn't be overturned and rebuild, and public assets should do restoration on the base of government orders.
  City construction motivated by Olympic investment
  When succeeded in Olympic application in 1986, considering from the overall, long-term and effective development of the city, Barcelona government made practical investment plan according to the city features. It put the focus of Olympic investment on speeding up the remold of the city and construction of infrastructures, and made Olympic Games the incentive of realizing city long span and supernormal development, improving city functions and rising city international popularity. The statistics said that, the investment on sports infrastructures, training and other equipment was just 9.1% of the total one and others were used in city and industrial rebuild. The practice showed that this investment pattern promoted city functions, boosted industrial transform and upgrade and laid solid foundation for city development. Stadium construction shouldn't just service for Olympic alone. It put forward a principle that: it would never invest alone just for 15 days games. It renovated 10 stadiums and only built 15 new ones and many of them were temporary.
  In order to meet the demand of accommodation by tourists during Olympic Games, the city rented 14 cruise ships and it also saved money. The stadium construction fully considered citizens requests after games that they can be used flexibly and effectively. Especially for private investment, government had no strict "threshold" restrictions, just as long as you had investment willingness. Private investments mainly concentrated on profitable facilities of apartment, hotel, business center and toll road. It was because of the integration of public and private sectors and government and market investment, the post-use of stadiums that bothered many Olympic hosting cities was solved effectively.   Put people in the first place in construction and restoration of city infrastructures
  For city construction and restoration, Barcelona considered public facilities first. The public place should open more space for people to walk and more space for green areas, transportation facilities and other public facilities. It changed the old slaughter house into park, old quarry into swimming pool and park and the old disorder parking lot into walkway. The square of Barcelona is of cement ground that cannot plant tree there. So they built some statues and made it a place for assembly. For roads, it changed some old ones into the new three-dimension pattern of one-way motor-streets at both sides and walkway and amusement place at the middle part. Depressed road was added to reduce noise and management was strengthened to decrease busy intersections. The design broke the routine, enlarged road functions, improved city transportation, added walking and leisure space and showed humanistic care. Statistics showed that, Barcelona spent 36.2 billion peseta on building 5 kilometer sand beach, restoring ports, building two ring roads and two tunnels, restoring airport and city drainage system and building network of water, electricity, gas and phone service.
  Environmental construction pays attention to city innovation
  As a relatively developed area, Barcelona always did a good job in environmental protection. Before 1992 Olympic Games, it made related action plan which includes sub-plans of 13 aspects and there were three aspects considering environmental protection which were city landscape protection, traffic dispersion and city health. For city health, it mainly strengthened the management of main streets that the streets kept clean with dustbins everywhere and some were separate collection. It can be learned from the city's experience in city innovation. Barcelona built an imaginary network of 150 public spaces connected with each other, which were deployed by using interval spaces of buildings and roads, like small city center garden and plaza with fountain and statues. All these small areas and scenes created a place for people to breathe freely by reducing the construction density of the city.
  Phil Tesla Rosa Pique, Director of Spanish Tourism Bureau said, the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games not only changed the city structure and made it one of the most attractive seashore tourism city in Europe that holding an outstanding position in European tourist map, but also made Spain the second largest tourist foreign exchange earning country just next to America.
Green symbolizes life, and forest is referred as the essential source of the earth vitality.  From ancient time, forest has been playing an important role through all human-related activities, contrib
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