Dietary Plant Extracts Combined with Vitamin E Limit the Discoloration in Stored n-3 PUFA Rich Meat

来源 :农业科学(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lily009009
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In finishing cull-cows given n-3 PUFA-rich diets (for 101 ± 3 days preceding slaughter), the ability of vitamin E (2.8 g/animal/day) or vitamin E associated with plant extracts rich in polyphenols (PERP) (126 g/animal/day) to limit discoloration was
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乾隆二十一年,纪晓岚随驾到古北口巡视。在路边一个小店里小憩,酒家墙壁上有许多不知名文人的题诗,纪晓岚被其中两句吸引住了:一水喧涨人语外,万山青到马蹄前。  诗写得极有创意,活脱新奇,余味无穷,让纪晓岚赞叹不已。这两句诗的作者名已模糊无从找寻,纪晓岚受其启发,将此种手法化用到自己的诗作中,在其诗《严江舟中》写道:山色空蒙淡似烟,参差绿到大江边。斜阳流水推篷望,处处随人欲上船。  前两句写诗人隔着篷窗