
来源 :商品混凝土 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tonykaier
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笔者在“混凝土验收强度和配制强度的确定方法”一文中,以一次计量抽样检验方案确定混凝土验收强度和配制强度和相应的预期强度正态分布,再在预期强度正态分布的基础上,以最小值随子样大小增大而减小的统计规律确定混凝土试件强度最小值的合格界限(即验收强度)。本文采用一次计数抽样检验方案来确定,结果几乎相同,证明两种确定方法都是正确的。 The author in the “concrete acceptance strength and the formula to determine the strength of” one article, a measurement sampling test program to determine the strength of concrete acceptance and preparation strength and the expected strength of the normal distribution, and then expected strength based on the normal distribution , With the minimum value increases with the size of the sample size and reduce the statistical rules to determine the minimum strength of concrete specimens qualified limit (ie, acceptance strength). This paper uses a sample count test to determine the program, the results are almost the same, proving that the two methods are correct.
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早在500多年以前,有一位名叫科尔迪的阿拉伯牧羊人无意中看到,有一只山羊异常兴奋,在山坡上蹦来跳去尽情撒欢。他感到非常奇怪,决心弄清其中的原因,于是便开始留心观察。 As
闲暇时,我会把那些装在各种精致盒子中的笔摆出来端详,看着看着,便不知不觉。陷入对往事的回忆。 In my spare time, I will put the pen in all kinds of exquisite boxes
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.