
来源 :河南农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kms2006
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豫油2号系河南省农科院经作所选育的甘蓝型油菜新品种。该品种在多年多点的区域试验和生产示范中表现出高产、稳产、优质、抗(耐)病等特点,1989年经河南省品种审定委员会审定命名为豫油2号。一、选育方法及经过豫油2号是通过杂交、系谱选择等方法选育而成。其杂交组合为(7818×Marnoo)F_2×QVa。其中7818为高芥酸、高硫甙的本地高产油菜品系:马努(Marnoo)为澳大利亚的低芥酸、低硫甙的优质品种;QVa为西德的具有抗(耐)菌核病和病毒病 Yuyou 2 Department of Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences by the selected bred new rapeseed varieties. The variety showed characteristics of high yield, stable yield, high quality and resistance to diseases in many years of regional trial and production demonstration. In 1989, it was named as Henan Yuyou No.2 by Henan Variety Approval Committee. First, breeding methods and after Yuyou 2 is cross-breeding, pedigree selection methods such as breeding. The hybrid combination is (7818 × Marnoo) F_2 × QVa. Among them, 7818 is a high-yielding high-yielding rapeseed line with high erucic acid and high glucosinolate: Marnoo is a low-erucic acid and low-glucosinolate high-quality cultivar in Australia; QVa is West Germany with anti-sclerotinia and virus disease
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人物刘大娘刘小艳于小虎[舞台上摆着一张桌子,两把椅子,一台电视,一台冰箱。刘大娘(坐桌前唱)爆竹声声辞旧岁,孤寡老太真受罪!儿孙满堂的真开胃,无儿无女我满眼泪呀! Liu au