Effect of Fertilization on Soil Fertility and Wheat Yield of Dryland in the Loess Plateau

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Long-term fertility experiments have become an important tool for investigating the sustainability of cropping systems. Therefore, a long-term (18-year) fertilization experiment was conducted in Changwu County, Shaanxi Province, China, to ascertain the effect of the long-term application of chemical fertilizers and manure on wheat yield and soil fertility in the Loess Plateau, so as to provide a scientific basis for sustainable land management. The experiment consisted of nine fertilizer treatments with three replicates arranged in a completely randomized design: 1) CK (no fertilizer); 2) N (N 120 kg ha-1); 3) P (P 26.2 kg ha-1); 4) NP (N 120, P 26.2 kg ha-1); 5) M (manure 75 t ha-1); 6) NM (N 120 kg ha-1, manure 75 t ha-1); 7) PM (P 26.2 kg ha-1, manure 75 t ha-1); 8) NPM (N 120, P 26.2 kg ha-1, manure 75 t ha-1); and 9) fallow (no fertilizer, no crop). N fertilizer was applied in the form of urea and P was applied as calcium super phosphate. The results showed that precipitation had a large effect on t Long-term fertility experiment have become an important tool for investigating the sustainability of cropping systems. Thus, a long-term (18-year) fertilization experiment was conducted in Changwu County, Shaanxi Province, China, to ascertain the effect of the long- term application of chemical fertilizers and manure on wheat yield and soil fertility in the Loess Plateau, so as to provide a scientific basis for sustainable land management. The experiment consisted of nine fertilizer treatments with three replicates arranged in a completely randomized design: 1) CK no fertilizer; 2) N (N 120 kg ha-1); 3) P (P 26.2 kg ha-1); 4) NP (N 120, P 26.2 kg ha-1); 6) NM (N 120 kg ha-1, manure 75 t ha-1); 7) PM (P 26.2 kg ha-1 manure 75 t ha-1); 8) NPM , P 26.2 kg ha-1, manure 75 t ha-1); and 9) fallow (no fertilizer, no crop). N fertilizer was applied in the form of urea and P was applied as calcium super phosphate. The results said that precipitation had a large effect on t
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