Zinc is one of the trace elements necessary for the normal growth and development of plants. Domestic and foreign data generally list wheat as insensitive to zinc. We have discovered the symptoms of zinc deficiency in wheat since 1976, seriously affecting wheat quality and yield. Since then, we have conducted zinc test for wheat for seven consecutive years and achieved good results. During the three years 1981-1983, a total area of more than 1.4 million hectares of wheat has been demonstrated and popularized, with a total increase of more than 100 million kg of wheat and an economic gain of over 18 million yuan. Zinc deficiency symptoms and diagnosis of zinc deficiency occurred in Shajiang black soil. This type of soil contains more than 100 ppm available nitrogen, more than 40 ppm phosphorus pentoxide, 201.4 ppm available potassium and 0.28 ppm available zinc (well below the threshold of 0.6 ppm). In the flag period analysis of diseased plants zinc content of 11.75ppm, only about 60% of normal plants.