编辑同志: 我在基层调查中发现,国防教育工作大都只是在县市两级,到了乡镇就很少抓了。乡镇专武干部面对的工作对象是广大农村老百姓,他们人口多,文化低,有一部份还是文盲,但我们的征兵对象却大部份是他们的子女,因此,加强对农村人口的国防教育工作有重要的意义。特别是对征兵工作的开展,笔者就在一些县看到,
Editorial comrades: I found in the grassroots investigation that most of the national defense education work is only carried out at the county and city levels and rarely caught in the towns. The task force facing township special forces cadres is facing a large number of ordinary people in the rural areas. Due to their large population, low culture and some illiteracy, most of our conscription targets are their children. Therefore, strengthening national defense education for rural population Work has important implications. In particular, the recruitment of conscription work, I see in some counties,