
来源 :中等职业教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuyishijian
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100多年前,梁启超曾在《少年中国说》一文里说:“少年智则国智,少年富则国富,少年强则国强,少年独立则国独立,少年自由则国自由……”2008年5月12日的一场大地震灾难,无情地夺走了许多孩子的父母、亲人、朋友,或许他们的心灵会有创伤,但是,我们看到一个个勇敢的少年站立起来,在废墟中展现英勇无畏、舍己救人的英姿。尽管一些少年痛失亲人,家园被毁,心灵受创,但是,有失必有得,磨难出真才,他们在一夜之间长大,有如经受住沉重的洗礼后重获新生!这期封面故事我们介绍的就是一个在抗震救灾中表现出色的勇敢少年,他的名字叫韩加育。韩加育同学因在青川县抗震救灾中的突出表现,被中央文明办、教育部、全国妇联表彰为“抗震救灾优秀少年”。韩加育的英雄事迹,已为不少人熟知,他现在已是青川县职业高级中学高三机械班学生。从韩加育的身上,从更多灾区勇敢少年的身上,我们看到了新时代职高生的情怀,看到了人性的崇高光辉。让我用一句四川话来形容韩加育吧:“真是一个乖娃儿!” More than 100 years ago, Liang Qichao once said in his article “Youth China:” that “juvenile wisdom is the wisdom of the nation, juvenile wealth is wealthy, juvenile rule is strong, juvenile independence is the independence of the country, and juvenile freedom is freedom.” A major earthquake disaster on May 12, 2008, mercilessly took the parents, loved ones and friends of many children, perhaps their hearts will be traumatized, but we see a brave young stand up in the ruins In showing heroic, self-sacrificing heroic. Although some teenagers have lost their loved ones, their homes have been destroyed and their souls have been damaged, there is a chance that they will not be able to get rid of them. They will grow up night after night as if they had undergone heavy baptism and regained their lives. The story we are introducing is a courageous boy who performed well in earthquake relief. His name is Han Jiayu. Han Jia Yu students due to the outstanding performance in the earthquake relief in Qingchuan County, by the Central Civilized Office, Ministry of Education, All-China Women’s Federation as “Earthquake Relief outstanding young ”. Han Jia Yu’s heroic deeds, many people have become familiar with, he is now Qingchuan County vocational high school mechanical class students. From Han Jiayu’s body, from more brave juveniles in disaster-stricken areas, we have seen the feelings of vocational college students in the new era and saw the supreme luster of humanity. Let me use a Sichuan dialect to describe Han Jia Yu: “It’s a nice baby!”
在江西省弋、德、横三县交界的磨盘山下,有这样一个地方,村庄错落有致,村后山林茂盛、苍松挺拔,中间有一大块畈田,一条小溪蜿蜒而过。这里就是德兴县万村 In the Yi County,
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