Proactive Guidance in ComputerAssisted Language Learning

来源 :世界汉语教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wplyaq
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<正>1. Automatic Guidance Nowadays computers are ubiquitous. And the industry has produced a great number of reference software packages such as Encarta (Microsoft 1993—94) and Talking Dictionary (Softkey 1994). The speed of such production makes language professionalsenvious. However, compiling a reference package for the user to browse or to search for specific items is different from writing a computer-assisted teaching program. A reference software package has to ensure that the information provided is accurate and that the user can quickly find items of interest. A teaching program, on the other hand, has to make sure that the student acquires and retains the complete information in the most efficient way, in addition to providing accurate and useful material. Efficacy is a matter of pedagogy. As language teachers we are predominantly concerned with how to guide the student in the course of study. In other words, the courseware we develop should act like a good language teacher. Over the years we have compiled a number of lessons and thus have gained some experience in material development. Now it is time to read-
<正> 中国修辞学会第六届年会暨首届国际学术讨论会于1992年12月21日至25日在广州举行。参加这次会议的有来自全国各省市(包括台湾省)和香港、澳门地区以及日本国的专家学者共百余人,提交大会论文80余篇。大会由中国修辞学会副会长兼秘书长黎运汉教授主持,会长张静教授致开幕词,宣读了名誉会长张志公先生的书面发言。大会的中心议题是当前如何开展修辞学的研究与
<正> This paper is a preliminary study ofhow native Chinese speakers’s intonationpatterns differ from that of American stu-dents who are learning Chinese as a sec-ond language. To limit the size of theanalysis, the focus is placed on simple in-terrog
<正> 1991年3月,《世界汉语教学》和《语言教学与研究》两个杂志编辑部联合主办了"语法研究座谈会",邀请一部分语法学家就我国80年代和90年代的现代汉语语法研究问题进行了座谈讨论。与会学者在会上发表或在会后撰写的14篇论文以及座谈会纪要(中、英文)除了分别在两个杂志上发表以外,又汇集成《80年代与90年代中国现代汉语语法研究》一书,由北京语言学院出版社于1992年4月出版。 80年代是我国语言学空前大发展、大