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“一带一路”政策的实施使得越来越多留学生来华进行短期汉语学习。本科院校为响应这一政策,纷纷开设了对外汉语学习班,招生和教学都日趋成熟。然而高职院校在设置同类培训班的情况则相对生疏。本文重点剖析江西首批接收留学生的高职院校——江西外语外贸职业学院。其首届留学生交流班在今年3月刚结束培训,教学情况非常具有研究意义。本文作者从学情分析、教学过程中的主要问题辐射,分析江西高职院校留学生短期汉语口语教学的现状,并结合个人教学经验,提出了相应的教学策略和解决问题的方法。 The implementation of the “Belt and Road Initiatives” has enabled more and more foreign students to come to China for short-term Chinese studies. In order to respond to this policy, undergraduate colleges and universities have set up classes for learning Chinese as a foreign language. Their enrollment and teaching have become increasingly mature. However, the situation of setting up similar training courses in higher vocational colleges is relatively unfamiliar. This article focuses on the first batch of Jiangxi receiving foreign students vocational colleges - Jiangxi Foreign Language Vocational College. The first overseas exchange class ended its training in March this year, and the teaching situation is of great research significance. The author analyzes the status quo of short-term Chinese as a foreign language teaching for overseas students in higher vocational colleges in Jiangxi Province from the perspective of academic analysis and major problems in teaching process. Based on the personal teaching experience, the author puts forward corresponding teaching strategies and methods to solve the problems.
对杂交酸模的植物等特征和生物学特性进行了系统研究 ,提出了杂交酸模的利用途径和栽培技术 The characteristics and biological characteristics of hybrid acid mold pla
选择 6个不同类型的冬小麦品种 ,分别在 6个主要生长期即返青期、拔节期、孕穗期、抽穗期、开花期、蜡熟期 ,采用Griffing方法Ⅰ ,按 6× 6完全双列杂交对其品种早熟性状进行
研究结果表明 ,与冬小麦—夏玉米平作相比 ,冬小麦‖春玉米—夏玉米复合种植模式的生产优势度两年平均为 :冬小麦 春玉米 夏玉米 =0 .36∶0 .2 0∶0 .44 ,春玉米的生产优势
培矮 64S在南宁 1999年 12月 2 7日至 2 0 0 0年 1月 16日分三期播种盖膜育秧早插 ,营养生长期大棚进行 ,幼穗分化第三期揭膜接受自然低温处理试验 ,结果表明 ,花粉育性、套
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