从制度建设入手 强化队伍管理

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几年来,我们梅河口市人民法院本着科学规范、实效管用、系统配套的原则,进一步健全和完善了各项规章制度,初步形成了与新形势相适应的内部管理机制,给我院的队伍建设注入了生机和活力。一、抓住关键环节,健全管理制度人民法院,是国家的审判机关,其工作性质决定了法院的各项管理工作必须坚持高标准、严要求,内部管理工作涉及方方面面,既要统筹兼顾,全盘考虑,又要注意抓住重点。这样才能提高管理工作的效能。为此,我们在全面抓好建章立制的基础上,突出完善了以下三项制度:一是改革了干部人事管理制度。干部人事制度,是法院内部管理工作的关键环节。前几年,我们虽然进行了干部人事制度的改革,但因缺乏配套措施保证,所以在实施过程中有些地方不便操作。于是我们对原有制度进行了修订,同时 Over the past few years, our People’s Court in Meihekou City has further perfected and perfected the rules and regulations in line with the principles of scientific norms, effective management and systematic support, and has initially formed an internal management mechanism that is appropriate to the new situation and given a contingent of personnel to our hospital Construction injected vitality and vitality. I. Grasping Key Links and Improving Management System The People’s Courts are the judiciary organs of the State. The nature of their work determines that the management of the courts must adhere to a high standard and strict requirements. All aspects of internal management work involve all aspects and should be balanced and comprehensively implemented Consider, but also pay attention to grasp the key. In order to improve the effectiveness of management. To this end, on the basis of comprehensively grasping the establishment of an independent constitution, we have consummated and perfected the following three systems: First, we have reformed the cadre and personnel administration system. The cadre personnel system is the key link in the internal management of the court. Although a few years ago we carried out the reform of the cadre and personnel system, we were not in a position to facilitate the operation of the system because of the lack of supporting measures. So we revised the original system, at the same time
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