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弗:陈先生,你们保险条款中有哪些险别? 陈:主要有三种险:平安险、基本险、水渍险和一切险。弗:能解释一下吗? 陈:好,平安险主要包括全损和共同海损,而水渍险则再加上单独海损。弗:你的意思是“水渍险”比“平安险”保的范围宽吗? 陈:你可以这么理解,实际上,“平安险”条款所保的范围与“水渍险”所保的范围差不多相同。唯一不同的是:“平安险”条款不包括单独海损性质的 E: Mr. Chen, what are the risks in your insurance policy? Chen: There are three main types of insurance: FPA, basic insurance, WPA, and all risks. E: Can you explain this? Chen: Well, P&A mainly includes total loss and general average, while WPA adds separate average. Eph: Do you mean that the “WPA” is wider than the “safety insurance”? Chen: You can understand that, in fact, the scope of the “safety insurance” clause and “ WPA’s insurance coverage is almost the same. The only difference is that the ”Failure Insurance" clause does not include the nature of individual average income.
America’s Richard Pousette-Dart, born in 1916. is an Abstract Expressionist painter. His paintings are thick, tapestrylike things in which imagery evolves tho
一个富翁病入膏肓。他的医生说:“只有一个办法可救你的命,大脑移植。这种办法是实验性的而且非常昂贵。” “钱不成问题。”那个富翁说。“你能弄得到大脑吗?” “现在有三
一天,某大公司的一位雇员把一篇另一雇员写的指桑骂槐地攻击老板的文章给老板看,并建议老板解雇该文作者。老板很生气,“为什么你认 One day, an employee of a large compa
Mrs Jones was still cleaning the house when her husband came backfrom work.She was wearing dirty,old clothes and no stockings,her hairwas not tidy,she had dust
Look at this faee1 know the years are showingLook at this life1 still don’t know where it’5 going1 don’t know muehBut 1 know 1 love youThat would be all 1 ne
两名旅客之间的交谈: ——先生,这节车厢不允许吸烟。——我在吸烟吗?-但是你嘴上叨着烟斗。-那又能证明什么呢?你看,我脚上穿匆桂,但我却并没走路。 Conversation between
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若要把卡在一个人喉咙中的东西弄出来,首先让她坐下使头下垂低于胸部。用手用力拍打肩胛骨之间的位置。在她往外咳时,拍打5次。 To get something stuck in a man’s throa