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刚刚闭幕的我省第八次党代会,是在党的十六大即将召开,我省经济建设和社会发展处于关键时期举行的一次十分重要的会议。组织全省劳动保障系统认真学习贯彻党代会精神,对于动员和组织全系统广大党员干部以积极推进我省劳动保障事业新发展的实际行动,认真实践“三个代表”的重要思想,为奋力推进四川新跨越作出贡献,具有重大而深远的意义。周永康同志在党代会上作的工作报告,以邓小平理论和江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想为指导,实事求是地总结了过去,分析了形势,提出了今后五年全省工作的指导思想、奋斗目标和要求,对四川实现新跨越作出了总体部署。全省劳动保障系统要把认真传达贯彻党代会精神作为中心工作,结合劳动保障工作实际,采取多种形式、分层次、分专题组织广大党员干部认真学习《报告》,深刻领会和吃透会议精神,认清形势,统一思想,坚定信心,振奋精神,增强做好劳动保障工作,奋力推进我省跨越式发展的紧迫感和责任感。全省劳动保障系统学习领会省党代会精神,最重要的是紧密联系劳动保障工作实际,狠抓贯彻落 The just-concluded eighth provincial party congress in our province is a very important meeting to be held at the crucial period of our province's economic construction and social development at the upcoming 16th CPC National Congress. Organize the province's labor security system to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the party congress, mobilize and organize the system-wide cadres of the party members to actively promote the new development of labor and social security in our province to take practical actions, earnestly implement the important thought of “three represents, It is of great and far-reaching significance to make every effort to promote the new leap forward in Sichuan. Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and Comrade Jiang Zemin's important thought of ”Three Represents,“ Comrade Zhou Yongkang summarized the past and analyzed the situation and put forward the guidelines for the work of the province for the next five years under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and Comrade Jiang Zemin's ”Three Represents.“ Thinking, goals and requirements of striving for the overall deployment of Sichuan to achieve a new leap forward. The province's labor security system should conscientiously convey and implement the spirit of the party congress as its core work and in light of the actual conditions of labor security work, take a variety of forms and at different levels and sub-themes and organize the broad majority of party members and cadres to conscientiously study the ”Report" and profoundly understand and thoroughly understand the spirit of the conference We should make a clear understanding of the situation, unify our thinking, strengthen our confidence, boost our spirits, enhance our ability to do a good job in labor and social security work, and work hard to promote the sense of urgency and sense of responsibility in our leapfrog development. The province's labor security system to learn the spirit of the provincial party congress, the most important thing is to work closely with the actual work of labor security, pay close attention to implement
“不,我是一棵自生自灭的狗尾巴草。”这是我班一个异常调皮、任性的孩子对我说的一句话,这让我无比震惊。后来我了解到他自幼父母离异,父亲又为了生计不得不背井离 “No,
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每天,电视里的气象卫星图都会把变幻莫测的天气形势准确生动地传递给人们。然而有谁知道,这样及时的信息是通过什么方式获得的呢? 寻求答案还要上溯到40多年前。1960年4月1
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