孩子在幼儿园或在家里服药,看似极其平常的事情,但如何做好这项工作,却有一定的学问,是值得重视的问题。 一、药品须妥善保管 幼儿所服药物应放在固定的药盘或药盒内,放置在幼儿不能拿到的地方,并需防晒防潮,以防幼儿误食或药品受潮变质。所有药品要贴上标签,外用药和内服药必须分开存放,以免拿错药物。每天对药盘内药物进行清点、分类,每周清理擦洗药盘,保持清洁。 二、正确给幼儿服药并做记录 幼儿园幼儿服药时,保教人员要做到心中有数,并做好记录。如果同时有几个孩子需要吃药,应先叫幼儿姓名,再仔细核对药袋(瓶)
It seems very common for children to take medication in kindergarten or at home. However, there is a certain degree of knowledge on how to do this work, which is a problem that deserves attention. First, medicines should be properly kept Prescription medicine should be placed in a fixed medicine tray or kit, placed in areas where young children can not get sunscreen and moisture, to prevent children eating or drug moisture damaging. All drugs to be labeled, topical and internal medicine must be stored separately, so as not to take the wrong drugs. Drug tray daily inventory, classification, weekly scrub tray, keep clean. Second, the correct medication for young children and record nursery children taking medicine, Paul instructors to be aware of, and make a record. If at the same time there are several children need to take medicine, you should first call the child’s name, and then carefully check the bag (bottle)