建设虎门电子商城 顺应经济发展潮流

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信息产业将是21世纪的先导产业,也是各国抢先占领的战略性产业,其制造业有着巨大的市场需求。改革开放以来,广东东莞大力发展电子信息产业,成为该市继电力生产和供应行业之后的第二个重要产业,也是珠江三角洲地区及国内外重要的电子信息产业生产基地,产品种类齐全,生产上规模、产品居支柱地位。目前东莞注册的电子信息类工业企业有1700多家,产值约300-400亿元,在珠江三角洲仅次于深圳居第二位。近年来东莞除了引进台湾、香港等地区企业外,还引入象杜邦、诺基亚、三星、太阳友电等大型高新技术企业,产业投资额约200亿元。国内一些生产电子信息装备整机 The information industry will be the leading industry in the 21st century, and it will also be a strategic industry that countries will occupy first, and its manufacturing industry will have a huge market demand. Since the reform and opening up, Guangdong Dongguan has vigorously developed the electronic information industry, becoming the second most important industry in the city after the power production and supply industry, as well as an important electronic information industry production base in the Pearl River Delta region and at home and abroad. On the scale, the product is in a pillar position. At present, there are more than 1,700 electronic information industrial enterprises registered in Dongguan with an output value of approximately 300-400 billion yuan, ranking second in the Pearl River Delta after Shenzhen. In addition to the introduction of Taiwan, Hong Kong and other regional companies in recent years, Dongguan has also introduced large-scale high-tech companies such as DuPont, Nokia, Samsung, and Sunyou, with an industrial investment of approximately RMB 20 billion. Some domestic production of electronic information equipment
近几年来,德国东部环保工业取得了较快发展,其经验值得探讨。 汽车再循环 原东德制造的特拉邦牌汽车既耗油、噪音也大,排放的废气又多,两德合并后,成千上万的东部人已买了西
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市场状况良莠不齐 需求稳中有升 产销稳中见增 价格小幅波动 产品热点迥然各异 The market conditions are mixed. The demand is steadily increasing. The production and