1960—1964年我们对广州地区豌豆黄顶病的病原进行了初步鉴定。该病毒不能由汁液摩擦和土壤传递,传病介体为豆蚜(Aphis laburni Kaltanbach),一个豆蚜的传病率可高达66—68%;2—10个的相差不多,都高达80—100%。最短获毒饲育时间为3小时,病毒在虫体内潜育期最少7小时,最短传毒饲育时间少于15分钟,保毒虫能终生传病。可以认为该病毒是一种持久性病毒。1981年我们进行了病毒的电镜观察,病毒粒子线状,大小为12×416-496nm。 此病毒除侵染豌豆外,还可侵染蚕豆、菜豆和紫云英,不能侵染苜蓿、三叶草、豇豆、红豆、眉豆、大豆、花生、赤小豆、绿豆、扁豆、苕子等。在豌豆上,病害潜育期5—20天。 根据文献上的有关报道,我们认为本病毒是一种新报道的病毒,暂命名为豌豆黄顶病毒。至于此病毒在病毒分类上的归属问题,则还有待于进一步研究解决。
From 1960 to 1964, we conducted a preliminary identification of the pathogen of pest disease in Guangzhou. The virus can not be transmitted by juice friction and soil. The disease mediator is Aphis laburni Kaltanbach. The prevalence of aphids is as high as 66-68%. The difference between 2-10 is as high as 80-100 %. The shortest time for getting poisonous feeding is 3 hours. The latent period of virus in the worms is at least 7 hours. The shortest time for feeding is less than 15 minutes. It can be considered a persistent virus. In 1981 we carried out the virus electron microscopy, virus particles linear, the size of 12 × 416-496nm. In addition to infecting peas, the virus can also infect fava beans, beans and astragalus, and can not infect alfalfa, clover, cowpea, red bean, brow bean, soybean, peanut, red bean, mung bean, lentil, In peas, disease incubation period of 5-20 days. According to reports in the literature, we think this virus is a newly reported virus, tentatively named the pea toxoplasma. As for the classification of the virus in the virus attribution problem, it needs to be further studied and resolved.