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二,四一滴类除草剂,属于苯氧乙酸类。这一类品种很多,二,四滴一丁酯是其中的一种。它对双子叶、莎草科以及某些恶性杂草,都有良好的防除效果。这类除草剂具有内吸传导作用,药喷到叶面上,杂草吸收后可以传到地下部,起到斩草除根的效果,还可以大大减少次年杂草的发生。对小麦、水稻等作物还有防倒伏、抑制无效分蘖的作用,而且用药量少,价钱便宜,除草工效也高,很受群众欢迎,值得大力推广。现将二,四一滴丁酯的药性和使用方法介绍如下: Two or four drops of herbicides, belonging to phenoxyacetic acids. A lot of this type, two or four drops of a butyl ester is one of them. It is dicotyledonous, Cyperaceae and some of the weeds, have good control effect. These herbicides have the effect of internal absorption and conduction and the medicine is sprayed onto the foliage. The weeds can be spread to the ground after being absorbed, thus cutting the roots and cutting down the roots, and can greatly reduce the incidence of weeds in the following year. On the wheat, rice and other crops are also lodging, inhibiting the role of ineffective tillering, and less dosage, cheaper, weeding efficiency is also high, very popular with the masses, it is worth to promote. Now two or four drops of butyl ester of the drug and the use of methods are described below:
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稻纵卷叶螟是庄河地区水稻的主要害虫,1963年以来,曾有6年连续大发生。1963年我们建立了公社、生产大队和生产队三级测报组织,坚持开展 The rice leaf roller is the main
在知识大爆炸和科技飞速发展的今天,社会发展需要的是复合型、高素质人才。自上个世纪90年代中后期推行毕业生分配“双向选择”以来,学生跨学科或者跨专业就业的现象也越来越多。就业市场要求学生除了具备专业知识外,还要有适应现代社会发展的综合思维方式。艺术教育通过音乐、审美观及审美能力的培养,使感性与理性达到完美统一,有助于提高大学生的综合素养,实现自身发展和人格完善。  1 理工科高校开展艺术教育的必要性
【本刊讯】2月5日-8日,应俄罗斯安防行业协会的邀请,本刊远赴俄罗斯参加在莫斯科Crocus Expo会展中心举行的“2008年莫斯科安防 [This newsletter] February 5 -8, at the i
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