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拐卖妇女儿童犯罪活动,在内蒙古自治区主要是收买被人贩子拐骗来的外省籍妇女,集中发生在中西部经济发展较为落后的农村牧区。内蒙这类犯罪活动出现于70年代初期,80年代初开始上升,80年代后期发展到猖狂的地步。这些年来内蒙的“打拐”工作一直没有间断过,尤其是1991年9月4日全国人大常委会颂布《关于严惩拐卖绑架妇女、儿童的犯罪分子的决定》以来,加大了工作的力度,全区各级公安机关在党委、政府和公安部的统一领导下,与有关部门和兄弟省区密切配合,持续不断地开展“打拐”斗争,坚持打击、解救、宣传三管齐下。据不完全统计1991-1995年,全区共破获拐卖妇女儿童案件752起,抓获人贩子1479名;摧毁犯罪团伙251个,涉及成员1251名;解救被拐卖的妇女、儿童2221名。回顾5年来的工作,我们的基本做法和体会是: Trafficking of women and children in criminal activities in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was mainly the acquisition of foreign women abducted by traffickers, and concentrated in rural and pastoral areas with backward economic development in central and western regions. Such criminal activities in Inner Mongolia appeared in the early 1970s and began to rise in the early 1980s, and went rampant in the late 1980s. In recent years, there has been an uninterrupted work in Inner Mongolia against “crackdown” crimes. In particular, since the NPC Standing Committee promulgated the “Decision on Severely Punishing Criminals Who Abduct Women and Children for Abduction and Sale” on September 4, 1991, the work of Under the unified leadership of the party committees, governments and the ministry of public security, the public security organs at all levels in the region, in close coordination with the relevant departments and their brother provinces and autonomous regions, have continuously carried out the “crackdown” in their struggle and persevered in the crackdown, rescue and publicity campaigns under. According to incomplete statistics, from 1991 to 1995, a total of 752 trafficking in women and children were cracked, 1,479 were captured by traffickers, 251 criminal gangs were demoted, involving 1251 members and 2,221 trafficked women and children were rescued. Recalling the work of five years, our basic practices and experience are:
《马路天使》是有着历史意味的影片,无论是它的内容还是它的制作、出产本身。袁牧之与赵丹、魏鹤龄、钱千里、 Angel of the Road is a film with historical significance
人们或许都知道国家有个节日和夜间长途电话按半价收费的规定,但大多数人在街头的公话代办点打长话时,面对不合理收费却又作了“沉默羔羊”。 People may all know that the