贯彻军队卫生工作方针 加强中西医结合工作——四论军队卫生工作方针

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军队新的卫生工作方针,体现了在新的历史时期我军对贯彻党的中医政策和中西医结合方针的高度重视。中西医结合工作不仅是国家、军队医疗卫生事业的重要组成部分,而且是实现我国医学科学技术现代化的一条重要途径。党中央、国务院和中央军委历来对中医、中西医结合工作非常重视,并寄予殷切的期望。最近,赵紫阳总理对中医药工作中存在的问题所作的批示指出:“类似反映很多,有人担心长此下去中国的传统医学不但不能发扬光大,将会衰败下去。但解决此问题,仅是口头上喊一下,是不能够解决问题的,需要对目前存在的问题,系统地加以分析研究,找出原因,找出根本扭转这种局面的有力措施,并向党中央、国务院写出报告,取得支持。”赵总理 The military’s new health work guideline reflects the great importance that our military attaches to the party’s policy of carrying out Chinese medicine and the principle of integrating traditional Chinese and westen medicine in the new historical period. The integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine is not only an important part of the medical and health undertakings of the country and the armed forces, but also an important way to realize the modernization of medical science and technology in our country. The Central Party Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission have always attached great importance to the integration of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine and have placed ardent expectations. Recently, Zhao Ziyang’s comment on the existing problems in the work of traditional Chinese medicine pointed out: “There are many similar reflections. Some people worry that traditional medicine in China will not only continue to flourish but will decline.” But solving this problem is merely verbal Yeah, we can not solve the problem. We need to systematically analyze and study the existing problems, find out the reasons and find effective measures to fundamentally reverse the situation. We have also submitted reports to the Central Party Committee and the State Council to obtain Support. "Premier Zhao
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