Ocean primary productivity estimation of China Sea by remote sensing

来源 :自然科学进展(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yxiande123
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Ocean primary productivity is a key parameter in the research of global carbon cycle, ocean biological resources, and in evaluation of the feature and quality of ocean biological environment. Traditional shipboard measurement which is costly and time-consuming is impossible to obtain the spatial and temporal information on primary productivity on a large scale in a short period of time. Satellite remote sensing is an effective strategy to acquire the ocean information in near real time. Here we propose a model special for China Sea based on the concept of primary productivity using in situ primary productivity and environmental data from 1984 to 1990, and discuss every modeling parameter which can be retrieved by remote sensing in detail. The reliability of this model is tested by in situ data, and the comparison of other primary productivity models is made. We also analyze the temporal and spatial distribution of China Sea primary productivity in 2000. From our analysis the satellite remote sensing data have been proved very useful for ocean primary productivity study.
合成了 2 2个 β-芳氧乙氧基丙烯酸酯类和 8个 β-甲氧基 - α-邻甲苯氧基丙烯酰胺类化合物 .生物测定表明 ,这些化合物对黄瓜灰霉病有一定杀菌活性 ,对不同抗性菌的抑制有一
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