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主持人:今年4月以来,欧美国家为了保护本国中小纺织品生产商利益,接连宣布对中国纺织品采取“特殊保障”调查和“特别限制”措施,先是美纺织品协议执行委员会在4月4日决定对从中国进口的棉制裤子、棉制针织衬衫、棉制及化纤内衣自主启动纺织品特别限制措施;继尔美制造业贸易行动联盟等5个纺织行业组织于4月6日向美政府提交申请,要求对从中国进口的棉及化纤制非针织衬衫、套衫、胸衣等七种纺织品采取“特限”。同日,欧盟也置中方坚决反对于不顾,在网上公然发布《对华纺织品特限措施行动指南》,对中国纺织品对欧出口增长设定“预警区间”。美欧此举使国际市场引起了强烈震荡,一时间,跟风者如土耳其、南非、巴西、厄瓜多尔、俄罗斯、阿根廷等国,也均以不同的形式对中国纺织品“设限”。中国政府对此表示强烈不满并迅即作出反应,社会公众对美欧的做法也引起了高度关注。本期“特别关注”就这个话题约请各位发表看法。 Moderator: Since April this year, the European and American countries in order to protect the interests of small and medium textile manufacturers in their own country, one after another announced the “special safeguard” investigation of Chinese textiles and “special restrictions” measures, the first US textile agreement Executive Committee on April 4 decided Cotton trousers imported from China, cotton knit shirts, cotton and chemical fiber underwear independent start special restrictions on textiles; Following the US manufacturing trade action Union and other five textile industry organizations on April 6 to submit an application to the U.S. government to request Take special restrictions on the seven kinds of textile products imported from China such as cotton and chemical fiber non-knit shirts, pullovers and bras. On the same day, the EU also set its Chinese side firmly opposed to disregarding the publication of the “Guidelines for Action on Special Measures for Textile Products to China” on the Internet and setting “early warning intervals” for the growth of Chinese textile exports to Europe. The move by the United States and Europe has caused strong turmoil in the international market. For a time, followers such as Turkey, South Africa, Brazil, Ecuador, Russia and Argentina have also imposed “restrictions” on Chinese textile products in different forms. The Chinese government expressed its strong dissatisfaction and prompt reaction. The public’s attention to the practice of the United States and Europe has also drawn great attention. This issue of “special attention” invites you on this topic.
去年以来,受国际金融危机冲击,各地中小企业、民营经济发展遭受重创,外部需求持续萎缩,出口下降幅度较大;一些行业产能过剩,经济效益持续下滑。  中央及时出台了应对国际金融危机的一揽子计划和相关政策措施,在“快、重、准、实”原则下,各项投资迅速推向经济的重点领域和薄弱环节,对国内经济企稳回升发挥了重要作用。各地贯彻落实党中央、国务院各项宏观调控政策,做到反应迅速、措施得当,迅速出台了一系列配套政策和监
The 2007 Academic Exchange Meeting for the Major Research Plan“Several Key Issues Concerning the Space Vehicle”was held in Beijing from January 14 to 15,2008,
我校电子工程研究所承担的863-308课题“用外场数据进行 ISAR 成象与运动补偿”和天线研究所承担的863-308课题“多功能战略相控阵雷达的关键技术”,最近由863-308主题办公