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经济的不景气导致日本零售市场清淡,商家竞争日趋激烈。为了吸引消费者,在搞好店铺销售的同时,日本便利店推出了无店铺销售的“预购便”来开拓市场,争夺商机,并取得了较好的业绩和效益。一、日本无店铺销售市场现状无店铺销售在日本是指商家不通过门市店面,直接把商品贩卖给消费 Economic downturn led to the Japanese retail market is light, increasingly competitive business. In order to attract consumers, while doing a good job in the sales of the stores, the Japanese convenience store launched the “Pre-order Free” without store sales to open up markets, compete for business opportunities and achieved better performance and profitability. First, the status quo of Japan's no-store sales market No-store sales in Japan means that businesses do not pass the storefront, selling goods directly to the consumer
The Support Vector Machine (SVM) i s a machine learning algorithm based on the Statistical Learning Theory (SLT), w hich can get good classification effects ev
12月2日,在陈省身先生逝世一周年之际,近百位各界人 士、陈省身先生生前亲朋好友聚集一堂,参加中国数学会和香 港亿利达工业发展集团有限公司共同举办的“陈省身数学奖设 立
The dissolution of petroleum asphaltenes with ionic liquids is studied for the first time. The results show that the ionic liquids could be used as novel solven
对车辆动力学仿真中的轮胎数学模型现状进行了分析 ,简要说明了轮胎动力学建模的新方法并进行了展望。 The status quo of the tire mathematical model in the vehicle dyn