抢抓机遇 加快步伐 实现公路建设的新跨越

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泰兴位于长江下游,占长江之利,经济总量名列苏北县(市)前列,周边与如皋、靖江、姜埝、江都、海安接壤,与武进、扬中隔江相望。 近几年来,我市为了适应和促进经济发展,把公路建设摆上了重要位置,累计自筹资金3亿多元投入公路建设,公路面貌大为改观,初步形成了“五纵五横”为主骨架,总里程达585公里的陆上大交通格局。1993年实现了市乡公路黑色化后,又向网络化、等级化奋进,建成了72公里一级路,水泥硁路面建设也有了新的突破,一批桥涵得到了改造。公路建设经历了由数量型向质量型转变;由普及型向提高型转变;由低 Taixing is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, accounting for the benefits of the Yangtze River. The total economic output is in the forefront of Subei County (city). It is bordered by Rugao, Jingjiang, Jiangbei, Jiangdu and Haian and Wujin and Yangzhong across the river. In recent years, the city in order to adapt and promote economic development, the highway construction put on an important position, a total of self-financing more than 300 million yuan investment in highway construction, greatly improved the appearance of the road, initially formed a “five vertical and five horizontal” as The main skeleton, the total mileage of 585 kilometers of land transport patterns. In 1993, after the urbanization of the highway in the country and the countryside has been blacked out, the network has been further developed in a hierarchical manner and a first-class road of 72 kilometers has been built. There have also been new breakthroughs in the construction of pavement of cement 硁. A number of bridges and culverts have been rebuilt. Highway construction has undergone a shift from quantity-based to quality-oriented; from pervasive to improved; from low
振动对工人的危害,在一九六五年以后才引起日本卫生和临床工作者的重视,并开始了广泛的调查研究。作者发现日本振动病的症状与国际文献的描述相类似,大致有以下五个方面。 1
  The La-Mg-Ni-based alloy has been studied widely because of its high discharge capacity but the poor cycle stability is the fatal defect of this type alloy.
  Ni alloying with Pt supported on graphene was synthesized by a simple chemical reduction method.The structure,composition and electrocatalytic properties of
绪言 工作环境接触噪声90分贝(A),已列为法定安全标准,然而这一评定的准确性曾有争论。这一级噪声的职业性耳聋的患病率,在不同的研究中,结果各异,介于4%至22.5%之间。据此理