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目的研究中医急性中风症候与CT表现间对应关系。方法分析281例CT表现为脑梗塞或脑出血的急性中风患者的征候表现。281例中,男178例,女103例,平均年龄62岁。首先将中风发作5天内患者在行CT检查时的中医学症候用统一的预设表格记录下来,然后由三位副教授以上高年资中医师根据症候分别进行辨证,选择两位医师辨证相同的病例进行分析。对总例数超过40例的资料行“2χ”检验。结果在281例急性中风患者中,CT诊断脑梗塞87例,脑溢血194例。281例急性中风病例中,中经络147例中CT上表现为脑梗塞61例脑出血86例,其中肝阳暴亢60例,风痰阻络67例,痰热腑实和气虚血瘀各为7和8例,阴虚风动仅有5例;中脏腑134例中脑梗塞29例,脑出血105例,其中风火闭窍22例,痰火闭窍10例,痰湿蒙窍18例,元气衰败74例,阴虚阳脱10例。肝阳暴亢和元气衰败均以脑出血为主,两者间有显著差异性(p<0.05)。结论1、脑中风证型较多,但以元气衰败型较常见,其次为风痰阻络;2、元气衰败型和肝阳暴亢型均以脑出血为主。 Objective To study the relationship between TCM acute stroke symptoms and CT findings. Methods The clinical manifestations of 281 patients with acute stroke presenting with cerebral infarction or cerebral hemorrhage were analyzed. 281 cases, 178 males and 103 females, with an average age of 62 years. First of all, within 5 days of onset of stroke patients in the line of CT examination of traditional Chinese medicine with a unified pre-recorded form, and then by the associate professor of senior TCM physicians were syndrome differentiation, respectively, select the two physicians dialectical cases the same analysis. A total of more than 40 cases of data line “2χ” test. Results In 281 cases of acute stroke, CT diagnosis of cerebral infarction in 87 cases, 194 cases of stroke. 281 cases of acute stroke, 147 cases of meridians in the CT showed cerebral infarction in 61 cases of cerebral hemorrhage in 86 cases, of which 60 cases of liver yang hyperthyroidism, wind phlegm obstruction in 67 cases, phlegm and Qi and blood stasis are 7 and 8 cases, yin deficiency only 5 cases; middle organs in 134 cases of cerebral infarction in 29 cases, 105 cases of cerebral hemorrhage, including wind-fire orifices in 22 cases, phlegm fire in 10 cases, sputum wet mask in 18 cases , 74 cases of declining vitality, Yin yang yang off 10 cases. Yang Yang hyperthyroidism and declining health are mainly cerebral hemorrhage, there was a significant difference between the two (p <0.05). Conclusions 1, Stroke syndrome more, but the more common type of decay, the second is the wind phlegm obstruction; 2, the decay of qi and liver yang hyperactivity type are mainly cerebral hemorrhage.
根据救助打捞专家组的意见,“6·22”黄河小浪底水库沉船事故打捞工作7月4日结束。停止打捞是经过各方专家会诊并报经上级有关部门批准后决定的。   提前结束这一切,相当于默认打捞的失败。但是,只要尊重了客观现实和事物规律,只要及时降低了救援工作本不该上升的生命和资源的成本,不让任何一名打捞人员面临不必要的死亡,那么这种被默认的失败也是可以让包括死難者家属在内的大众接受的成功。报道中说,
安全生产,人人关注,共同遵守,大家维护。安全第一,预防为主,基本方针,不可不熟。新工进矿,特别照顾,安全培训,层层监护。职工之间,互相帮助,党员干部,身先士卒。 Safe prod
橙黄色的电子大屏幕不停地流动,翻过一份份书证、物证,以及证人、证言、询问笔录,清晰地展示在上面。 7月15日,重庆市第二中级人民法院。发生在重庆开县的中石油川东钻探公司