初夏的一天,我如约来到徐学静女士家中采访。给我开门的就是她本人,一如屏幕上的她,端庄、典雅、一派大家风度。落座后我直入主题,请她谈谈她是如何从一位音乐教师到时装模特的,并且是中国年龄最大的模特时,已习惯于媒体采访的她,对我的问题一一作答。年逾八旬的徐老师,精神矍铄,思路清晰,从她的外形到谈吐无论如何也让你难以相信这是一位进入耄耋之年的老人。 最难的是观念的转变 徐学静女士的娘家和婆家都是封建大家庭。
Early summer day, I came to interview Ms. Xu Xuejing home. Give me the door to open is her, as she was on the screen, dignified, elegant, one style we all demeanor. When I was seated, I went straight to the topic and asked her how she was from a music teacher to a fashion model and was accustomed to media interviews when she was the oldest model in China. She answered my questions one by one. Xu over eighty years old, energetic, clear-cut thinking, from her appearance to the conversation in any case let you hard to believe that this is a man who entered the staggering years. The most difficult is the change of concept Ms. Xu Xuejing’s maiden and her husband are feudal family.