Steganalysis of stochastic modulation steganography

来源 :Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiao2168644
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Stochastic modulation steganography embeds secret message within the cover image by adding stego-noise with a specific probabilistic distribution. No method is known to be applicable to the estimation of stochastic modulation steganography. By analyzing the distributions of the horizontal pixel difference of images before and after stochastic modulation embedding, we present a new steganalytic approach to accurately estimate the length of secret message in stochastic modulation steganography. The pro- posed method first establishes a model describing the statistical relationship among the differences of the cover image, stego-image and stego-noise. In the case of stego- image-only steganalysis, rough estimate of the distributional parameters of the cover im- age’s pixel difference is obtained with the use of the provided stego-image. And grid search and Chi-square goodness of fit test are exploited to estimate the length of the se- cret message embedded with stochastic modulation steganography. The experimental results demonstrate that our new approach is effective for steganalyzing stochastic modulation steganography and accurately estimating the length of the secret message. By analyzing the distributions of the horizontal pixels difference of images before and after stochastic modulation embedding, we present a new steganalytic approach to accurately estimate the length of secret message in stochastic modulation steganography. The pro- posed method first establishes a model describing the statistical relationship among the differences of the cover image, stego-image and stego- noise. In the case of stego- image-only steganalysis, rough estimate of the distributional parameters of the cover im- age’s pixel difference is obtained with the use of the provided stego-image. And grid search and Chi-square goodness of fit test are exploited to estimate the length of the se- cret message embedded with stochastic modulation ste ganography. The experimental results demonstrate that our new approach is effective for steganalyzing stochastic modulation steganography and accurately estimating the length of the secret message.
大家普遍认为炎热的夏季和干燥的秋季容易上火,其实在寒冷的冬季人们也容易上火。而且千万不要小看它,上火不但能引发口干舌燥、咽喉肿痛等疾病,更严重的是会破坏人体免疫力。  ●什么是“上火”  中医认为,在人体内有一种看不见的“火”,它能产生温暖和力量,提供生命的能源,推动生命的进程。从某种意义上说,有火则生、无火则死,火在一定的范围内是必需的,但超过正常范围就是邪火了,就会表现出病症,统称“上火”。中
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