Analysis of China's Renewable Energy Development under the Current Economic and Technical Circu

来源 :China & World Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flycondor
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At present, the development of renewable energy relies mainly on government support. Thegovernment invests in a considerable number of projects to improve public welfare and toassist in poverty relief If China is to replace fossil fuels on a large scale with renewableenergy sources, the production costs and prices of renewable energy must be brought down.All countries are facing the challenge of moving to a more secure and low-carbon energysystem without weakening economic and social development. In this regard, China is facingan even greater challenge in terms of economic cost, as cheap coal remains the main energyform. Technical innovation and industrialization in the area of renewable energy is animportant means of lowering cost. China is in for a period of high-speed development of itseconomy and the rising demand for energy is irreversible. If the technical progress anddevelopment speed of renewable energy lags behind the growth in demand, it will be difficultto realize the improvement of its energy structure. At present, the development of renewable energy relies mainly on government support. Thegovernment invests in a considerable number of projects to improve public welfare and toassist in poverty relief If China is to replace fossil fuels on a large scale with renewable energy sources, the production costs and prices of renewable energy must be brought down. All countries are facing the challenge of moving to a more secure and low-carbon energysystem without weakening economic and social development. In this regard, China is facing even greater challenge in terms of economic cost, as cheap coal remains the main energyform. Technical innovation and industrialization in the area of ​​renewable energy is animportant means of lowering costs. China is in for a period of high-speed development of itseconomy and the rising demand for energy is irreversible. anddevelopment speed of renewable energy lags behind the growth in demand, it will be difficult to realize the improv ement of its energy structure.
一位教育家对学生说,过去的成绩已画上句号,用放大镜看就是个零。 老话说,九九归一,也说九九归原。 1999+1=2000。 这个“1”可能是一年、一天或一秒,反正是历史曲线上的一
实践教学是教师组织带领学生通过实物、模拟、 实验、顶岗、实习、调查、设计、生产活动等等给学生传授实际知识。开展实践教学对开发学生的智力、创造力,培养学生动手能力,
李四虽然没到县农机校参加过培训班学习,但是凭他那聪明的脑袋瓜开着拖拉机在田间道路转几圈还是没问题的。 这天,李四到好友王五家借泰山—12型拖拉机耕地,王五告诉他液压