
来源 :新疆农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:simon_dai
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【目的】研究新疆塔里木河中游的Kiyik废弃古河道天然胡杨林地可培养细菌群落结构和多样性。【方法】从Kiyik废弃古河道胡杨林两个采样点(采样点I,采样点II)采集样品,采用LB、TSA和YPG等3种不同培养基分离纯化细菌,并对它们进行16 S r DNA测定和系统进化分析。【结果】108株菌来自于采样点I,85株菌来自于采样点II,共分离纯化了不同表型的193株菌。16 S r DNA序列分析结果表明193株菌分别属于5个大类群:厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)占59.6%,γ-变形菌纲(Gamma-proteobacteria)占29.5%,放线菌门(Actinobacteria)占7.3%,β-变形菌纲(Beta-proteobacteria)占2.6%,α-变形菌纲(Alpha-proteobacteria)占1.6%,26个属,62个种。其中有34株菌的16 S r DNA相似率﹤98.0%,分别属于11个属的25个物种,是胡杨林本源的潜在新菌种。假单孢菌属(Pseudomonas,34.3%)是采样点I中分离到的优势细菌属,而采样点II的优势细菌属为芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus,54.1%)。芽孢杆菌属和微杆菌属(Microbacterium)是两个采样点共有的属,在物种水平上仅有芽孢杆菌属的4个物种为两个采样点共有,而其他菌种仅发现于单个样点。【结论】在两个采样位点中分离到的可培养细菌具有较高的多样性,两个样点菌种分布的差异极显著。存在的潜在新细菌菌种资源较丰富,具有进一步发掘的潜力。 【Objective】 The objective of this study was to investigate the bacterial community structure and diversity of natural Populus euphratica forest in abandoned ancient waterway of Kiyik in the middle reaches of the Tarim River in Xinjiang. 【Method】 Samples were collected from two sampling points (sampling point I, sampling point II) of Populus euphratica forest in abandoned ancient river in Kiyik, and the bacteria were isolated and purified using three different media, LB, TSA and YPG, and their 16S rDNA And phylogenetic analysis. 【Result】 108 strains were from sampling point I, 85 strains were from sampling point II, and 193 strains with different phenotypes were isolated and purified. The results of 16 S r DNA sequence analysis showed that 193 strains belong to 5 major groups respectively: Firmicutes accounted for 59.6%, Gamma-proteobacteria accounted for 29.5%, Actinobacteria Accounted for 7.3%, Beta-proteobacteria accounted for 2.6%, Alpha-proteobacteria accounted for 1.6%, 26 genera and 62 species. Among them, 34 strains had 16S r DNA similarity <98.0%, which belong to 25 species of 11 genera, respectively, and were potential new species of Populus euphratica. Pseudomonas (34.3%) was the dominant bacterial genus isolated in sampling point I, while the dominant bacterial genus in sampling point II was Bacillus (54.1%). The genus Bacillus and Microbacterium are common to both sampling sites. Only 4 species of Bacillus are common to two sampling points at the species level, while other species are found only on a single sample point. 【Conclusion】 The cultivable bacteria isolated from the two sampling sites have high diversity, and the differences of the distribution of the two samples are extremely significant. Potential new bacterial species exist more abundant resources, with the potential to further explore.
【正】 中国与南亚各国的交往很早,有的始于汉唐,有的起始于宋元,大多为通商或旅行家者的游历。国家之间正式遣使以明代为最盛。明朝初年,郑和七次下西洋到南亚各国,南亚诸国