Doing business:an obscure notion of the ethics of public associations in ordinary Chinese

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Along with the notion of being a person(zuo ren 做人), the notion of doing business(zuo shi 做事)in ordinary Chinese is basically an over-all notion of the norms in the practical and associative activities,carrying typically obscure meanings on practice and association affairs in some external world.Ordinary Chinese not only distinguishes these two notions but also defines a dictionary order of them,with the affairs of the internal world prior to those of the external.The fact that the notion of doing business refers to business(shi 事)rather than person(ren 人)makes this order clear at a deeper level.It shows that this notion regards the practical affairs of the external world less important to the person itself than those of the internal.Except for these qualities,the notion of doing business holds some normative meanings,although contains no definite rules.These meanings indirectly relate to the notion of person that people form in their private associations and emerge as some mixture with a tactical attitude out of the need of earning a life.The notion of person gives birth to some obscure requirements,for instance, the requirement of 'doing business in accordance with your conscience' and that of 'doing business seriously'.The core world of family is marginalized in the pubfic transition of associations.There are reasons to anticipate that in this process the notion of doing business will undergo more radical changes than that of being a person.
摘 要:随着社会的不断发展,人们的生活水平得到明显的提升,与此同时,人们也对智能自动化建设工作提出了更高的要求。配电自动化作为智能电网建设的主要环节,相关人员应该加强对配电自动化建设的高度重视。本文以福建省厦门市的试点工程为例,对智能电网配电自动化建设进行详细研究。  关键词:配电网;自动化;智能;融合;交互体系;构建  前言:由于生活水平的不断提高,使得人们对智能电网的电能质量和优质服务提出了更
摘 要:文中基于对中学语文教育中存在生命意识教育薄弱、理论与实践脱节、生命教育能力不足的问题进行了分析,提出了有利于中学语文教育中强化生命意识教育、引导学生自觉对生命意识学习、教师发挥人格魅力引导学生进行生命意识教育、综合提高中学生的生命意识实践途径。  关键词:语文教育;生命意识;培养  随着社会的发展,教师开始意识到生命意识教育需要得到足够的重视,尤其是在生活中从小做起,对幼儿进行正确的生命意