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英特尔贡献了一名未来领袖每年,瑞士举行的达沃斯“世界经济论坛”都将选出“全球未来100位杰出领袖”。评选标准是:年龄41岁以下位居要职的个人,具有权力和影响力,被赋予巨大责任,在已经获得的成就和潜在的成就方面具有“全球性。他们来自商业界、政治界、金融界、新闻媒体、以及艺术和科学领域。当世界刚刚迈入新世纪,一位杰出的华人即获此殊荣。他就是英特尔(Intel)公司中国研究中心董事总经理兼中国公司首席技术官的容志成博士。容博士现在负 Intel contributes a future leader Every year, the ”World Economic Forum“ in Davos, Switzerland, will select ”100 future outstanding leaders in the world“. The criteria for selection are: Top-ranking individuals under the age of 41 have power and influence, are given a great deal of responsibility, and are ”global" in terms of their achievements and potential accomplishments. They come from business, politics, finance World, news media, and arts and sciences. When the world just entered the new century, an outstanding Chinese won the award. He is the managing director of Intel Corporation China Research Center and the chief technology officer of a Chinese company. Dr. Zhicheng Dr. Rong is now negative
日本NEC公司日前开始交付128兆位的SDRAM芯片样品,这比目前最大的芯片容量增大了一倍。这一产品使用了先进的0.22微米制造工艺,并与64兆位的内存芯片相兼容。 Japan’s NEC
3月25日获悉:ENCAD公司与配备OPENdET检测及补偿技术的新一代NovaJet PROe系列打印机已经面世,Opet-Jet检测及补偿技术目前正在申请专利。 Open-Jet检测及补偿技术可以监控
Sinopec Corp (SH:600028,HK:0386) expands its Luoyang refineryto 10 million t/a with the official operation of the 2.6 million t/a dieselhydrogenation unit on O
Sinopec Baling Petrochemical Company started debottlenecking expansionon its existing 140 000 t/a caprolactam (CPL) plant onOctober 18th. The company will spen
Dynamic International Enterprises Limited’ssubsidiary Dynamic (Nanjing) Chemical Companystarted to construct a 150 000 t/a glycolethers and their acetates pro