2003年6月28日,人们翘首盼望的《港口法》在第十届全国人大常委会第三次会议上通过,国家主席胡锦涛签署第5号主席令予以颁布,2004年1月1日起正式施行。 《港口法》对港口的规划、建设、维护、经营、管理及其相关活动进行了全面的规范,是我国水路运输法律体系中的一部“龙头法”。它确立了中央宏观调控、地方政府具体管理的港口管理体制,保证了港口管理
On June 28, 2003, the “harbor law” that people are eagerly awaiting approval was passed at the 3rd meeting of the 10th NPC Standing Committee, President Hu Jintao signed No. 5 Order of President to be promulgated, and formally implemented on January 1, 2004 Execution. The “Harbor Law” comprehensively regulates the planning, construction, maintenance, operation, management and related activities of the port and is a “leading law” in the legal system of waterway transport in our country. It has established a port management system specifically regulated by the central macro-control and local governments and guaranteed port management