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由浙江省科委、省农业厅和浙江农业大学联合召开的省首次生态农业典型经验交流会最近在德清县举行。会议收到几十篇论文,有各地不同生态模式的典型总结,也有专题研究报告和学术论文。会议认为,浙江省是国内最早实现粮食亩产八百斤、超千斤的省,既有生态农业的优良传统,又有建国三十多年来组织社会主义农业生产的丰富经验。杭嘉湖地区的“粮、桑、渔、畜”结构便是我国传统生态农业的杰出代表之一。在农业现代化、商品化过程中如何改革本地区的农村产业结构,创造出山清、水秀、土肥、人富、生产发展、环境不污染、高节奏、高效率并保持良好生态环境的前进代农业模式,无疑将有导向性作用。农大、德清县代表在会上汇报了三年来“杭嘉湖平原生态农业研究”工作情况,对干山乡基点的生态实 The first exchange of experience in typical ecological agriculture in the province jointly held by Zhejiang Provincial Science and Technology Commission, Provincial Department of Agriculture and Zhejiang Agricultural University was held recently in Deqing County. The conference received dozens of papers, a typical summary of different ecological modes around, as well as special research reports and academic papers. The meeting held that Zhejiang Province is the earliest province that has achieved a grain output of 800 kilograms per mu and over 1000 kilograms, has both the fine traditions of ecological agriculture and the rich experience in organizing socialist agricultural production in the past 30 years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The “grain, mulberry, fish and livestock” structure in Hangjiahu area is one of the outstanding representatives of traditional ecological agriculture in our country. In the course of agricultural modernization and commercialization, how to reform the industrial structure of rural areas in the region and create a forward-generation agriculture with a clear environment, beautiful scenery, rich soil, rich people, productive development, non-polluting environment, high pace, high efficiency and maintaining a good ecological environment Model, will undoubtedly have a guiding role. Representatives of Nongda and Deqing County reported on the work of “Research on Ecological Agriculture in Hangjiahu Plain” in the past three years,
To obtain a kind of biodegradable polymer material with satisfactory properties,a new biodegradable copolyester poly(lactic acid-co-glycol terephthalate)(PETA),
苏联科学家正在研制用于农作物的细菌肥料及疫苗以减少散布到农田中的化学物质数量。 在弗拉基米尔伊戈纳托夫的生物化学及植物生理学研究所,研究人员已经发现一系列的小麦
一 1994年12月28日零时45分,申城古北新区金鹿公寓7号502室内,女主人张敏、保姆和儿子3人已进入了甜甜的梦乡。 On December 28, 1994, at 0:45 p.m., Room 502, No.7, Jin
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消防安全是一项长期的工作,必须长年投入,常抓不懈。重经营轻安全终究养患成灾。 一 今年4月30日晚上,宿城镇的广大干部职工同全国各条战线的劳动者一样,喜迎自已的传统节日